Have a great camping trip in nature

Take a look at my recent camping trip in nature.

Hello dear Hivers in the Amazing Nature community, what did you do last Sunday? For me, I had a great camping trip with my friends in nature. Actually, camping was not the main purpose of our trip. We had heard about the beautiful terraced rice fields at Ngoc Linh mountain, and we went there to hunt for good photos of the ripe rice season. However, the long and arduous journey made us decide to camp overnight there because it was dark.

And it was a completely right decision by the whole team. Although, we didn't get really satisfactory photos of ripe rice because the rice there was still green, we had a great camping trip. I love that kind of exploration, sometimes things we don't plan ahead bring us pleasant surprises. Found a great camping spot next to the stream, we had a great time with nature.

There's nothing better than camping on a flat lawn next to a stream in the middle of a peaceful place. That day we were guests of buffaloes who regularly graze here. The clear and cool stream is where we spent most of our time resting and enjoying the fresh air. The suspension bridge and rice terraced fields nearby made the place poetic. In addition, the sound of the stream flowing along with the wind, birdsong and insects created a wonderful chorus that put us to sleep. And it would be remiss not to mention the peace and breath-taking scenery in the early morning when the first rays of sunlight appear. Indeed, that camping trip in nature exceeded our expectations. And we had a wonderful time in nature.

Spending time in nature is always a good way to live. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. And wish you a new week full of energy.

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