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Forest Fires Quito [ESP/ENG]

Hola Internautas =^^= !


A pasado mucho por donde vivo a pesar que la delincuencia esta terrible, sucedió cosas mas graves varios incendios forestales que han tomado mucho terreno de varios bosques, y es que en Quito se producen muchos incendios, ya sea por que alguien los inicia, el descuido de la gente que deja sus plásticos en los bosques, entre otros.

Nunca he entendido por que existe personas que dañan de esa manera los bosques, destruyendo fauna y vida animal que nada les hace.

Y este incendio que se estaba provocando pensé era mas cerca de mi casa como lo indicaba cuando grabe, por suerte no estaba nada cerca mío, además fue descubierto por accidente debido a mis perros quienes hacían demasiada bulla, lo cual era extraño y pensé que se entro un ladrón.

Incendios Quito


A lot has happened where I live, even though crime is terrible, more serious things have happened, several forest fires that have taken a lot of land in various forests, and in Quito many fires occur, either because someone starts them, the carelessness of people who leave their plastics in the woods, among others.

I have never understood why there are people who damage the forests in this way, destroying wildlife and animal life that does nothing to them.

And this fire that was being caused I thought it was closer to my house as indicated when I recorded it, luckily there was nothing near me, it was discovered by accident due to my dogs who were making too much noise, which was strange and I thought that a thief entered.

Incendios Quito

Captura de pantalla 2023-09-08 165138.png


Captura de pantalla 2023-09-08 172119.png


Al salir de la casa observo unas nubes grises lo cual me llamo la atención y al ver que mis perros miraban hacia allá decidí subir al tercer piso para observar mejor que sucedía.

Mientras filmaba también mire que pasaba en el grupo de wsp ya que todos los vecinos nos comunicamos por este medio para combatir a los delincuentes intentan venir a molestar.

El humo excesivo fue lo que me puso en alerta y mas al ver que poco a poco el humo negro se iba tomando el cielo de nuestro entorno, el cual estaba bastante despejado y era mas fácil observar que sucedía.

Solo el día miércoles se dieron bastantes incendios como lo pueden ver en esta noticia de una revista del país.

A si esta mi cuidad en temas ambientales, esperemos las sanciones penales por estas actividades sean mas fuertes para que se reduzca todos estos problemas.

When I left the house I noticed some gray clouds which caught my attention and when I saw that my dogs were looking that way I decided to go up to the third floor to see what was going on.

While I was filming I also looked at what was happening in the wsp group since all the neighbors communicate by this means to fight the delinquents who try to come and bother us.

The excessive smoke was what put me on alert and more to see that little by little the black smoke was taking the sky around us, which was quite clear and it was easier to see what was happening.

Only on Wednesday there were many fires as you can see in this news of a magazine of the country.

Let's hope that the penal sanctions for these activities are stronger so that all these problems are reduced.



Captura de pantalla 2023-09-08 172045.png
