Weeeeeepinngggggg Willow!

Hey everyone, any idea why they call it a Weeping Willow Tree? It weeps, or gives the illusion thereof anyways, check out this interesting article here as per wikipedia.org



Salix babylonica (Babylon willow or weeping willow; Chinese: 垂柳; pinyin: chuí liǔ) is a species of willow native to dry areas of northern China, but cultivated for millennia elsewhere in Asia, being traded along the Silk Road to southwest Asia and Europe.[2][3 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salix_babylonica


So what made me want to bonsai these? Well I will Bonsai just about any Tree, but more so the trees that are really attractive in the full size and it just so happens that the weeping willow tree certainly is one of them.


I have around 4 of these glorious willow Trees I grew them all from cuttings off an adult tree, they shoot very easily. Some trees do, some don't glad this one did.


My one tree has a branch over a metre long, when these nature in a few years time I suspect they will look really incredible.

Willow trees grow very easily from cuttings are generally found next to rivers and lakes and require alot of water. Mine are watered daily.


Nature the incredible.
Love light and blessings.
Have an amazing Sunday.

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