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Beach Finds

Hi fellow Hiveians,

The other day we saw some really awesome stuff at the beach!

Beach Finds

Some of the most fun things we have been doing this year so far is hitting the beach. We love it and need to move closer to one, though we thankfully don't live too far from them currently. We had some interesting things we found this year, since we haven't gone to the beach this early in the year before! It's cool to teach our son this type of stuff, show him what things look like and all that, he's been having a lot of fun!

We've had the opportunity to check out the rocks as the tide is going out and found some really fun things. This baby eel was a great thing to see! When we started going to the beach and looking for crabs and stuff a few years ago, we didn't come across anything besides the crabs since we were going during the summer months, never the spring. Going in the spring is quite interesting to see the different things that pop up!

When we were roaming around flipping rocks over, we found some pregnant mommas! I am pretty certain that underneath this crab is a hell of a lot of eggs. I was going to pick her up the way I normally do and saw that she was really protecting her butt so I was intrigued as to what was going on. I gently picked her up and saw this treasure! I was as gentle as I could be, I made sure to be careful not to put too much pressure on her but wanted to get a picture of it and show our son. He was very excited to see the eggs!

When we were done, I made sure to bring the crab back to where it was originally and cover it back up with the big flat rock so that she can hide from the flying rats! (sea gulls lol) They are very aggressive and are constantly keeping an eye on us, seeing that we are picking up crabs. I didn't want to add any snacks for them, they already get enough food from humans and the crabs so I didn't want to help them out at all. Thankfully the little man has never asked to feed a crab to one of them, I think he would be horrified if we did lol.

We got really lucky when we were there! We found a lobster! I don't know how well this lobster was doing and apparently there are pretty serious fines for picking one up if you don't have a permit to do so, we felt bad that it was stuck on the rocky shoreline. We put it in a pot of water and brought it over to where the tide was going out but was considerably deeper when the tide comes in so I felt it was a good spot. The little man was so excited to see it! He always saw them in the grocery store, waiting for someone to buy them but he never saw one in person. He was scared to touch it, even though it was quite lethargic and offered no resistance to me when I was picking it up. Thankfully when we put it in a fresh pot of cold sea water, it seemed to perk up a bit. When we brought it over to the shoreline we wanted to, it was moving around and swimming a bit so we were relieved that it seemed to be doing okay.

Lots of fun stuff at the beach so far this year!

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