You Stole My Heart Mt. Verallo!šŸ’š

After our fulfilling discovery in our river adventure, we embarked on another one, climbing new heights, and gazing once more at the beautiful panoramic view of Mt. Verallo.

It was four years ago that I discovered and climbed this mountain, yet the memory of the majestic panoramic view of the lush rolling mountains on its peak is as vivid as its vibrant vegetation. I didnā€™t know the name of the mountain when I first climbed on it, but I always remember how it gave me a memory to cherish as this was the treasure I shared with my students way back then which led them to appreciate the joy of mountaineering and the how the beauty of nature gets ever beautiful after a climb.


I couldnā€™t contain my joy when I finally had the chance to climb on it again, this time bearing its name on my mind, Mt. Verallo. So letā€™s go, Taraaa!



Finding the view!

I must admit, finding the view was a challenge for all of us, especially for me being the sole guide in the group who knew about this mountain.

Some of the paths felt oddly familiar, but others just appeared entirely new to me since the trees had grown tall! The sun was already sizzling hot, yet here we were walking and circling the mountain trying to find the magnificent view!


Unlike other mountains, Mt. Verallo doesnā€™t have a distinct cone shape that would easily tell the climbers where the peak is. The mountain has a flat round summit. This quirk made it a bit tricky, making it hard to spot the best view of the peak which is the majestic view of the rolling mountains, the valley, and the long winding river below it.


My hiking buddies quit walking around and chose to just rest under the trees and wait for me to give up too. But I just couldn't! I tried searching each corner, but I always ended up on the cliff side of the mountain in which one wrong step would get me rolling down the hills.



Finding the best spot for the peak felt like finding a needle in a haystack, but I couldnā€™t let that stop me! Huhu. I just couldn't give up remembering the promising view I once witnessed in Mt. Verallo.



I tried to concentrate and rack my brain, recalling the directions I once taken the last time I came here. I remember there was a lone tree standing in the open peak but I couldnā€™t spot it anymore! I started to feel the disappointment of not being able to find the peak and started walking North West, and nature was good, in turn the open peak unfolded before my eyes!


I shouted with so much excitement, ā€˜I found it! I found it!ā€ I remember screaming, ā€œFace West, 2ā€™oclock!ā€ which I was referring to the location of where I am. It took a couple of minutes for my hiking buddies to locate me and their astonishment mirrored mine!



The View of Mt. Verallo!

I couldnā€™t help but smile when my hiking buddy exclaimed ā€œThe heart of Ti fiti!ā€ by the time we found the peak. I gazed at the rolling mountains in front of me and his words rang true. The majestic view that Mt. Verallo offers closely resembles the sleeping Goddess of the movie Moana who was turned into a mountain. Everything now looks like the island of Ti Fiti in front of me!


Mt. Verallo (as the locals named it), is nestled in the heart of the unexplored places in the town of San Remegio. The town San Remegio is famous for its longest shoreline in the whole Island of Cebu, which means this town is the home of the most beautiful and fine beaches here in the North. Surprising as it is, discovering a majestic peak in this town surrounded by the ever-lush and untouched mountains is a rare gem waiting to be explored.



What adds to the breathtaking panorama is the valley nestled in between Mt. Verallo and the huge mountains. It is clear that the valley below is farmed by someone. And when you look closely, there you will discover the winding river in between the mountains.




The natural formation of the mountains and the valley below creates a heart shape, no wonder why my buddies called it ā€œThe Heart of Ti Fitiā€.! Whatā€™s truly amazing is, that you cannot see traces of illegal logging or any human activities done to the mountain. Everything is a refreshing stretch of rolling mountains, untouched, preserving the natural beauty in its purest form!




The same with the other things we do every time we reach the peak of a mountain, we settle down and fill our eyes with another wonderful creation by God! It was a marvelous sight!


Mt. Verallo stole my heart, again. šŸ˜

That's it for our moment in Mt. Verallo. Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it too! I wish you all safe and well always.

Don't forget to smile often!šŸ¤—šŸ˜šŸ˜Š

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