contest created by : @adalger

The sun sets every single day, irrespective of where you are. So I see no reason why you cannot take a few minutes to appreciate this wonderful view. if not for anything else but for the fact that it makes you more appreciative of the earth.

Do you ever notice that you do not need to be in any luxurious location to appreciate its beauty. The golden hour is for everyone
most of the best UI/UX designs come from the inspiration of nature's color.


when you look at the sunset, the spectrum of colors and the way it is matched can inspire you so much.

In cemeteries, the sun has two meanings sunrise signify eternal life, as well as the light of nirvana. When you think of it as the sun setting, it simply means the end of our life on earth.

On the other hand, as a sunrise inspires us about the assurance of new beginnings in the other life.


I have knowledge of this, because my mom died and I had to believe she was in a good place, for days I would think were she was.
for photographers
Golden Hour and Blue Hour are the best times for us to do our thing. It was one of the first things that caught my attention, the other was long exposure photography, let me not bore you with all that story.
I have apps that keep me posted when the sun will rise and set, and in whatever direction it will take place
the colors from sunset result from a phenomenon called scattering


because it inspires a lot of people, there are thousands of quotes that comes with sunrise and sunset photos.

The sunset tells us that the day is almost over. It reminds us of the importance of time and how we should make good use of it. It’s also a time for reflection. As your day comes to a close, ask yourself whether you’ve done everything you set out to do or been the person you desire to be.


I have not traveled a lot, I took these photos during the weekend, I was happy to see the golden hour, i attended a tutorial and on my way back.
I edited them using my smartphone, Lightroom mobile to be precise. i used it to accentuate the colors and saved it as my lockscreen password.
If I so much upvotes, I will frame the photos and hang them at home.

Much Love Hiveans and nature lovers


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