Amazing nature found in ants

Hi everyone's!!!

If we talk about ants, of course there will be no end because there are so many amazing things that are found in ants and their colonies and also in their daily behavior.
The amazing that exist in his life as well as about his behavior and his uniqueness are the topics and discussions that we will discuss in this post.
Then what are the uniqueness and the amazing (magic) in ants?
So, in this case you yourself can answer some of the things that are often seen in their daily lives, such as:

  1. Has a large number of species
  2. Haveng a caste
  3. Has an attractive body
  4. Have a high social sense of the colony
  5. Have intelligence in creating something
  6. Has strength that exceeds his size
  7. and several other miracles that are rarely done by other insects.

In some amazing that exist in the person of the ant, sometimes it resembles human work or behavior that often occurs in human life, in simple terms the behavior they produce makes humans amazed and amazed at all activities in the daily life of the ants.

The ants that are seen in our area of ​​course also have other uniqueness that is often done in their daily lives so that there are other wonders that we must see and learn, as for other extraordinary things, such as:

Have a comfortable home or nest

A place to live is of course very much needed by every living thing and is no exception, in essence those who have a life of course have to find a comfortable place as a home or nest, in this nest a structured life occurs, like an ant colony, also having a house or nest where they develop breed or other activities as a necessity of daily life.

The ant colony has nests that are made together in the ground, it can be seen from above the nest is normal, but inside there is an extraordinary design as described in an animated ant film which tells the state of the ant and all its activities.

Even though it looks small to humans, the size inside the large lumanyan sometimes reaches an area of ​​1 meter and the depth is about 50 cm or sometimes more.

In general, even though it looks small, it can accommodate thousands of ants in a nest or in general sometimes 250,000 ants live.

While the shape or design of the nest inside has small chambers which are very useful for ant activity. Inside the nest there are certain rooms and are also devoted to certain activities as well, this is almost the same as the picture in one of the films called A Bug's Life! Have you ever watched it?

If you watch them often then you can infer their state and the state of the nest from inside the nest. Inside the nest there are also rooms such as:

  1. The leader's room
  2. Baby room
  3. Food room
  4. The workers' room
  5. and several other special rooms that function for the purposes of the ant colony.

If we look at their life in their nest, it is almost like our human activities in building a family situation and others. It is also one of the amazingnature hidden in this realm.

In the ant nest that is in the ground, not only a place to store food, but a place to raise baby ants! Later on, the children of the ants will also become worker ants or as ants who occupy their respective ranks in their work.

Ant children or you could say baby ants in a colony hatch from eggs that are released by the ant queen herself, which later the babies will be cared for and taken care of by other worker ants. Thus the queen ant has the main task of laying eggs and always producing their eggs. Experts say, every day, the queen ant lays about 1,500 eggs every day and this activity will continue every day until the specified time limit.

Why do baby ants have to be in the ground?

The baby ant itself will not survive in hot temperatures so it must be in the range of 22 - 32 degrees Celsius. So,temperatures that measure or range from 22-32 degrees are found by ants or are often found in the ground. Besides, adult ants also always protect themselves from hot temperatures, while the open air above the ground changes.

If the baby ant's room is exposed to sunlight, the temperature will automatically change, so the job of the worker ants who cares for the baby will move the eggs into a separate tunnel that is available initially. In general, the vertical tunnel will always be connected into a small tunnel which has a comfortable temperature.

When I write about the behavior of ants and their colonies on this Hive blog, remembering our lives as humans means that not only humans love their children and build our homes, but animals are just like ants. Then this can make us even more amazed by all the behaviors that ants have in this field.

Thus, this can also be said as a natural miracle that is around us which comes from nature itself, so it is very worthy to be called Amazing Nature.

That's it and thank you very much!
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