My $600 Video

ok hold on, hold on...I'm not saying this video is worth $600 to the community at large - although that would be a real mindbend!
What I mean to say, is that this video is worth $600 to me.

Our dogs were outside because the kids were eating dinner...if we dont put them out they'll rob those poor little suckers blind 🤣
...but they were scratching at the door, which they dont normally do. So I looked out and saw a light sprinkle coming down.
As I let them in, I just thought the trees looked really pretty with the gentle back-lighting. I thought, I could record a five minute video of the windchimes and trees, and maybe later record a flute track to go over it.

I set the phone up - I dont have a case at the moment - propped it up on the front stoop, tucked up under the easement, hit record and came inside - where I set the timer on the stove for 5 minutes.

Around teo minutes, a heavy downpour seemed to come from nowhere. I bit my lip. What to do? My phone is out there, no case, leaned against the house and sitting on the ground during this terrential storm! I knew I had to catch the shot. I had set a timer for 5 minutes and I was gonna chill out and wait for it to goniff, consequences be damned.

As you can see, the camera stopped rrcording short of 5 minutes. You can hear, sometime maybe around 3 or so minutes, when the microphone became submerged, and 30-45 seconds later, the video just stopped.

I came out at the 5 minute mark, anxious to see what consequences I would pay for my devil-may-care attitude towards my only connection to the blockchain, and it did not look good. The display on screen was an unfamiliar mishmash of pixels all alighted in foreign configurations, and the screen itself was unresponsive to touch.

I powered the phone down and did my best to dry it off, and waited a while before restarting it, but when i did, all was well.

So, while I didn't pay a $600 for this video, I certainly took a $600 gamble to make it, and I would argue that one doesnt enter into a wager without the expectation that there could be a prize if equal or greater value in winning - keeping the phone isn't a prize in this case, it's returned collateral. Thus, the prize must be the video itself, and since I leveraged an approximate $600 asset in the gamble to attain said cideo, for me this video is now valued at $600 or more :)

For everyone else? It may be cool to watch, hell, I don't know 🤣

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