Importance of plant nutrition based on organic inputs

It is understood by organic fertilization, a technique that is used to fertilize the soil, with organic fertilizers based on waste of animal and vegetable origin, which provides most of the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants, and therefore healthier foods will be obtained.

▶ Credits: Antranias – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ Credits: Valiphotos – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ Among the benefits of organic fertilization, it is listed that the application of humified organic matter provides nutrients and works as a basis for the formation of multiple compounds that maintain microbial activity, such as humic substances humic acids, fulvic and humines.

The organic fertilization to incorporate it into the soil, improves the structure of the same, facilitates the formation of stable aggregates with improving the permeability of these, increases the force of cohesion to sandy soils and decreases is in clay soils, improves the moisture retention of the soil and the capacity of water retention, stimulates the development of plants, the soil provides minerals in low amounts and is an important source of carbon for soil microorganisms.

In terms of the disadvantages of organic fertilization, it has been mentioned that due to l slow, and because the soil is adapted to certain management and to withdraw one hundred percent 100% of the compounds to which he was accustomed to the soil, it may not be very helpful, so it is recommended that a combined system is conventional and organic; as long as the soil is adapted to the conditions.

▶ Credits: Antranias – [Image of Public Domain]

However, the results obtained by organic fertilization are long-term, since little by little the soil will restore the processes of formation and degradation of organic matter, until reaching a level where it will only require a minimum amount of nutrients to maintain this activity.

NOTE: Reference material

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