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Geographical distribution and climatic and soil requirements of citrus fruits

According to FAO, the main citrus producing countries in the world are: in America (Brazil, USA, Argentina and Mexico); in the Mediterranean basin (Spain, Italy and Greece); South Africa, Egypt and Morocco in Africa.

▶ Credits: Onlinelibrary. – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ Credits: Pixabay. – [Image of Public Domain]

▶ While in Asia appear China, India and Japan, the world production of oranges for the 2013/2014 cycle amounted to 68,925.2 tons, reporting Brazil as the largest producer with 16,850.0 tons, followed by China and the United States with 7,600.0 and 6,783.0 tons.

The optimum temperature for citrus is 23 ºC to 32 ºC, at which the plant develops all its activity. The most important limiting factor is the minimum temperature, since it does not tolerate temperatures lower than -3 ºC. It does not tolerate frosts, as the flowers and fruits suffer as well as the leaves, which may disappear completely.

It does not require cold hours for flowering. High night temperatures favor the permanence of the green color in orange fruits. The influence of temperature is great in citrus fruits, mainly in their collaboration, sugar content and acidity.

Water requirements can range from 1,500 to 2,500 mm per year; regions with rainfall above 3,500 mm are considered marginal.

▶ Credits: Groworganic. – [Image of Public Domain]

Growers should be aware that high relative humidity in citrus crops favors the development of fungal diseases, so this is a factor that should be taken into account when organizing agricultural management practices.

NOTE: Reference material.

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