Oh my!! This is VERY dangerous & addictive 😱😱

It's melt inside your mouth and you keep wanting more and more of the butter cookies!! Seriously taste so Good!! Literally cannot stop eating, it's not a regular cookies. One bite after another bite, until "I reached out to get another and realised eh no more already? I finished the whole pack by myself😆.

Impress by myself that I finished the whole pack of cookies😜. You know how it all started? @aaronleang bought the cookies when he went to grocery shopping, said try new cookies since never buy this brand before. He loves biscuit/cookies but me? Not so much of biscuit/cookies person because didn't like the cookies stick to my teeth.

Not sure if "Value" is the brand of the cookies.

Take note!! This is a super duper sweet butter cookies, like really sweet to me. It goes really well with tea, usually I will make myself a cup of Green Tea or Earl Grey Tea or Sabah Tea.

Eating the butter cookies standalone is not a good idea because this cookies is REALLY sweet, I checked the nutrition information.. The amount of sugar in each of the cookies is high. Now I know you know why this is addictive😅.

24 pcs of Butter Cookies

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