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Freshly Harvested Salad from PWD Smart Farmability

Thank you @pwdfarmability for blessing one of our FIN volunteer's father, who's also in the HIVE Community, @philiprenelee, when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and undergone surgery.

With our recently received donations of salad dressings, it was a perfect opportunity to team up with @pwdfarmability's new agriculture technology produce; and we were able to let uncle Philip try fresh salad plucked from home for the first time after 3 weeks of hospitalisation post surgery.

"It taste like a salads served in classy restaurants" was uncle Philip's reaction. 🙂

The dressing was just a hint of taste enhancement but the fresh baby Brazilian Spinach was already wholesome enough because it is not bitter and totally pesticides free. ❤️

Without the kind hearted generosity from donors, such high quality vegetables will not be accessible to below average families who need to take care of their seniors in recovery.

Right now @pwdfarmability is running a Hope Box project to bless Disabled registered patients and under privileged families with seniors in illness recovery so that they can live a healthier life, starting from our under privileged families with disabled challenges list.

With the previous donations surplus from @fitinfun's love offering to settle all out standing, we will be paying it forward to one disabled recipient who lost his revenue due to the COVID-19 lock down.

Do check out at our special short media posts progress from @dbfoodbank later when we confirms the arrangements between @omnivori and @pwdfarmability.

If you would like to donate by adopting a hope box to bless a family in need from our recipient list, please do not hesitate to contact Angie Ng at 0192834066 for more details.