Bridging the Best of Both Worlds, Why the Innocence?


We realized that there have been some (back end) tensions when some of the community builders decided to support both chains instead of picking one.
It’s just like what it is happening today in the political arena in the real world: we seemed to be forced to pick either side: White or colour, conservative or liberalism, apartheid or common unity… and so many more.

Things can be really sensitive when being placed up to “make a stand”, just like here, but why do we need to pick sides when the very reason such a blockchain exist is about the community?

(Maybe I am naïve? It’s all about the money after all – for some people?)

We truly cannot force anyone to “convert” from one to another, but we do need to watch and listen how the community (who truly are the good and tries to survive with creativity) behaves and does their best while respecting their decision, as (active / passive) community builders (in whatever way) we can still bridge the best of both worlds, moving along to ensure (at this point of time) both chains survive while (truly) hoping that leaders of the community could see that this is a great opportunity to overcome what is even bigger issue – the central “mafia” in the real world , the real people who are stranded in the bondage of fiat but could still make it in great communities such as this.

Let me just get this straight. I strongly disagree with authoritarianism, or communism / Marxism kind of behavior; and what that has happened on both chains will forever have that scar when others are still blinded to it.

Yet sometimes, humans are not totally ready and stable with self-accountability and responsibility, and “law and order” will still needed until misguided content creators repent (change their mind) and choose the chain that best suits their niche and integrity.

That is the reason where builders who decided to remain both chains and still wish to help both sides of the community, like this account, joins together to slowly make the migration work, and hopefully one day, while both chains exists, there will be strong independent dapp developers who will fully take over what chain stands for all along – usability, teamwork stability, centralized-censored-less, and powered by freedom of human support with accountability.

However, that being said, no matter how we “see ourselves as much more superior intelligent beings than the animal kingdom”, we also know when light exists; darkness is there too. My personal revelation is that no one is exemplified in superiority and everyone still falls short in the glory of God, whether we like it or not, there’s still darkness inside of us that struggles to burst out horribly especially during crisis; but let us be the best we can on either side (or both) of the blockchain at this point of time and hopefully, in time, the strongest and most persevered will still stand.
This account will continue to help those who support both ends, helping passive accounts there who still want to keep the community of creativity going (while being active here) will be able to strengthen their accounts here without the stress of exchanges between HIVE and STEEM.


All these are delegators / original investment stakeholders on the Steem blockchain, but they will be receiving their curation rewards earliest every 3 days in Hive Power instead to build the community on HIVE.

Every curation rewards from delegated accounts to STEEM are currently benefiting their “curation rewards” in HP instead of SP on whatever this accounts has accumulated from liquidated author rewards; and as long as this account still have extra hive left that does not need to waste time to transfer between exchanges until it needs to later.

Until then

HQ @littlenewthings

#dses , Decentralised Sustainable EcoSystem, initiative member.

A technology can come and go; but when a lifestyle is applied to it, it becomes a new revolution.

1% of this post goes to null in the support of keeping HIVE alive

1% of this post is donated to @gtpjfoodbank in the support of building up the community and feed the poor

1% of this post is donated to @pwdfarmability in the support of building up its account to share their mission to empower disables to be self reliant and impact the community in the future.

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