Done A Bit of Shopping Today

I've been wanting to go on an adventure around the surrounding towns, to see what kind of stuff they had for sale.

I like going around charity shops to see what they have, but, when you typically go around the ones in your own town, it can feel like weeks pass by without seeing anything worth buying.

In one of the shops I went into I picked up, The Sims 4, Bad Company, and the Robocop Trilogy, but there was a minimum spend of a fiver to use tap, so I picked up Forza and Perfect Dark too.

It's weird that I saw Robocop there, because I was only thinking of that recently and wanted to watch them again.

I got each of these for a Euro, so spent a total of 5.

This haul here is fairly eclectic, but after some shopping around I decided to pick these up.

New Novelist is something I decided to get because - even though it's old - it might hold some good information, and seems to aid in all aspects of writing a book. It's factory sealed too.

The Sims 3 is one of my favourite games of the franchise, and with that box set there are 3 games for the price of one. Although, they also charged per game for it.

In total this lot cost me 9 Euros.

I recently got my PS3, and PS2 working, but I only have two games for the PS3, so when I saw these I decided to pick them up, even though they were priced a little bit higher than I would have liked.

Army of Two is a game I was only thinking about recently, so had to get it when I saw it there. It was a lot of fun playing it back in the day, especially doing so couch co-op.

Each game was 5 Euros, bar 1 which was 2, so in total I spent 17 Euros on them.

This is was a fairly decent find. I got the PC games, and then noticed that they had COD WWII which is one game I always wanted to play, but never got around to it.

Also, Broken Sword is factory sealed.

Each PC game was 1 Euro, and COD was 5 Euros. So in total I spent a 10er on these ones.

I loved the Sims 2 back in the day, but only had it on the PS2 which didn't have the greatest controls for something like that, so being able to get the PC version of the game, and an expansion was decent.

Each of these were 1 Euro, so in total I spent a 5er on them.

I never heard of this before, but from reading up on it and looking at the box it's essentially space chess.

I like picking up board games if I see a half decent one in good condition, so I went on a whim with this one here, mainly due to how clean the box was.

It cost 3 Euros.

The Total

In total, I spent 51 Euros on all these games, and I think that's a fairly decent snag for what I managed to get.

I need to test everything out and make sure it's all working, but by the look of them, they're all in good condition.


I'm not in the re-selling game, but I do watch some people who do so and I find it interesting what they're able to do.

Using a bit of a guess-timation, I'll work out how much things would be worth on the re-seller market, and calculate a guess of how much I could turn my 51 Euro investment into.

(One day I might get into re-selling, but for the time being I'm just having some fun picking up deals when I see them.)

  • ROBOCOP TRILOGY = 7 - 15 - (1)

  • PERFECT DARK = 5 - 9 - (1)

  • BATTLEFIELD: BAD COMPANY = 4.50 - 6.50 - (1)

  • SIMS 4 (PC) = 8 - 12 - (1)

  • FORZA MOTORSPORT 3 = 6.50 - 10 - (1)

  • WORMS: WORLD PARTY = 4 - 6 - (1)

  • SIMS 3 STARTER PACK = 8 - 12 - (3)

  • SIMS = 4 - 7 - (1)

  • SETTLERS 4 = 7 - 10 - (1)

  • PRISON TYCOON 3 = 10 - 15 - (1)

  • NEW NOVELIST = 8 - (1)

  • KINGS BOUNTY: THE LEGEND = 6 - 10 - (1)

  • SIMS: HOUSE PARTY = 1.50 - 4 - (1)

  • SIMS: DOUBLE DELUXE = 5 - 8 - (1)

  • SIMS 2 = 6 - 9 - (1)

  • BLOOD RAYNE = 10 - (1)

  • SIMS 2: BON VOYAGE = 4 - (1)

  • COD 4 = 4 - 10 - (5)

  • ARMY OF TWO = 4 - 10 - (5)

  • COD 5 = 5 - 10 - (5)

  • SKYRIM = 3 - (2)

  • NAPOLEON TOTAL WAR = 7 - 10 - (1)

  • SETTLERS 3 = 6 - 12 - (1)

  • BROKEN SWORD = 8 - 12 - (1)

  • SIMS DELUX EDITION = 7 - 10 - (1)

  • DESTROYER COMMAND = 3 - 5 - (1)

  • COD WW II = 13 - 15 - (5)

  • CIRONDO = ? - (3)

Total Spent - 51 Euros
Potential Profit - 187.50

(I just added up the lowest I saw the games going for, so there's a potential to make near 4x my money, if I were to put them up on the second hand market)

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