Another instance of park Güell?..

Well, this actually is not a park but an art-space hidden in the residential court yards; it is located not at Barcelona but at St.Petersburg; it was created not hundred years ago but just 10-20 years ago (and still work in progress); it is not protected by UNESCO.... guess you got all the parallels straight. But still, - one cannot but see these parallels and similarities.


In the capture I present you today, there is only a small part of this space, much more can be seen there. After my last post with selection of St.Petersburg's courtyards visuals, I suddenly thought: enough laziness and hoarding! I should write a series of guides across most intresting city courtyards worth looking at. This #picture-a-day post goes off just like a reminder or promise to myself.

location: St.Petersburg, Russia April 2023 natural lighting
camera/lens: Canon 5D Sigma 150mm raw-conv.
f 2.8 t 1/125 ISO 160 ---


All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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