Stacking Takes Patience

I can be a very impatient person.

I figure we all give in from time to time to our lesser-than-humane primal brain, the part of us that causes snapping at others and making not-so-rational rash decisions, or that overwhelming feeling of plain and simple impatience.

Maturity and experience can help to develop the ability to tell that part of our brain to chill the heck out. Sometimes maturity and experience don't function like they should.

I find myself feeling impatient when I look at my Hive account. There's got to be a way to make it stack more, at a faster pace, I tell myself. Then off to swap and stack more of whatever in that moment I've decided I want more of (BXT, anyone?).

If I had unlimited resources, this would be fine. I am, however, on a budget for Hive, as most people seem to be. I've run out of Swap.Hive in the past to add into pools because I've swapped my Swap.Hive for another token that I researched and had to have.

At this point in my Hive journey, I'm almost out of resources that I can add in. I have a teeny-tiny little amount of Bitcoin left, but it kills me to think of trading it right now. I have faith that Bitcoin will eventually go back up.

So it's time to be patient. To listen to the rational, mature, more evolved portion of my brain and commit to being patient and intelligent with the tiny amounts that now stack slowly and steadily into my wallet.

Which finally brings me to my #PictureADay.

I made this rock stack on our #ozarklife trail a few weeks ago. I was waiting for @nomaddreamer to take some pictures of a couple of Three-Toed Box Turtles. It's not too fancy of a rock stack, but it took some figuring and patience to get the top to sit steadily at an angle, which was my goal.

This picture is from our hike today. We pass it everyday and I think about the reason I made it. A fellow Hiver had commented about my now-habit of stacking a kind of ridiculous amount of AFIT reward boosters, and in the comment told me I should maybe work on my patience by stacking some rocks instead. So I did. And I think of Hive and patience every time I walk past it now.

I still stack my AFIT boosters. It's just fun.

My rock stack hasn't collapsed though I was afraid it would. We'll see if it lasts through storm season. If it does get knocked down, there are plenty more rocks around to build another one. Just needs a bit more of that patience!

#photography in this post is by me, @madame-cyntaia, taken and edited on my iPhone6. Thanks for reading! 🦋

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