A Museum

It's been a while since I've seen an exhibition. I like visual arts, painting, sculpture, photography, film, video ... When you are passionate about something like this, it is vital to see as much as possible of the best and most beautiful in these fields. Both to be informed and to increase your expertise but mostly for your own pleasure.

A strange coincidence makes me very mobile this late summer and early fall! I made many short trips (ie 5 - 6). The last trip, the one I am in at the moment, is to visit my brother who lives in the house and town of my childhood. Where did I leave 60 years ago to move to the country's capital (Bucharest, Romania).

The city I arrived in, an obscure city in the north of the country called Falticeni. Dark and dusty but with two great qualities. The first quality being that in this town great personalities of the Romanian culture were born or lived here.

The second quality, because here I spent the most beautiful years of my childhood!

I will talk about my childhood another time, now it is about a personality and a great Romanian artist who was born here. The sculptor Ion Iliescu. One of the most important Romanian sculptors. He died at the age of 102 and left most of his sculptures and drawings to the city.
The city has set up a museum to host this heritage, a museum I visited with great pleasure this Sunday.





These few photos are just a preamble for a special presentation of the museum. I just wanted to show that I had another sublime and beautiful Sunday! For these two challenges that we all combine in one post. Thanks @ace108 and @c0ff33a !


At my home, in Bucharest, the roses don't bloom for a long time, but here, in front of the museum, the roses are as beautiful as at the beginning of spring.


The possibility to post a Picture A Day seems to me a good opportunity, the possibility to post as often as possible. I think is for the benefit of everyone and everyone.

It is known that every picture tells a story. We can tell a short story about a photo that means something to us.

This photo per day will give me the joy of searching and choosing and posting every day (of course, if possible).

I don't think I'll be able to limit myself to just one photo. Everywhere I go I usually take a lot of photos, especially with the smartphone because it is more comfortable and I can move faster so as not to lose an image that I find interesting. Especially street snapshots.

Location: Falticeni, Romania
Date taken: October 4, 2020
Device: Redmi Note 8 Pro

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