Splinterlands Treasurer


I am volunteering to help splinterlands community manage the SPS DAO as one of the 11 treasurers.

Excited that we are going to use the technology HIVE and EVM has to work with multi-sig.
I also care quite a bit about the project both because I want to Splinterlands to do well for the sake of peakmonsters.com marketplace but also because I am one of the top 10 overall asset holders in the game so I don't want anything bad to happen to it.
I have the technical skills to do what's needed to carefully execute the tasks and safeguard the funds.

Ask me any questions you may have and share feedback of what you care most about for a DAO treasurer.
In my opinion there is no benefit or incentive to be a treasurer except the desire to benefit Splinterlands and see it do well.

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