Marriage and Relationships- The double edged sword ⚔️

Hello Everyone, Namaste 🙏☺️


How are you doing? Relationship is the most precious, valuable and important aspect of our lives. Of all relationships, romantic ones are the most cherished and celebrated. After Love is Life. We all one to be with someone special who can fill our lives with love, joy, care and give us all the reason to best at everything. A healthy relationship is no less than a blessing nowadays. Today's generation is moving so fast nowadays when it comes to relationships. Today relationships have become so complicated and also a normal on and off kind of thing. The reason being how overprotective, intolerance and insecurity we have in our romantic relationships. Relationships are about trust, friendship, care and most of all it's all about being present for each other. It's not a one way thing but a equal partnership. To be honest Relationships are not easy. Firstly, It requires a lot of courage to get into relationship. Then it's even harder to manage and sustain in a relationship. But if one thrives and sustain the initial hardships, arguments and complexity of relationship then those relationships lasts forever.

Marriage is the best part of relationship. Not all relationships end in marriage and not all marriages guarantee good relationship. In India, where majority of people are following Arrange marriage culture. Arranged marriages have been prevalent in India since ancient times. Love marriages on the other hand are still considered as a taboo and something still not appropriate or accepted by the society. Earlier, arranged marriages were finalized mainly by parents only, there was little or any say of their children. Both partners saw each other and came to know each other after the marriage only. Also earlier we also used to have Child Marriages as well. However, since now time has changed. Now arranged marriage are celebrated no less than a festival. It's a matter of social pride in India. People are doing extravagant marriages. It has become a High status symbol. Marriage here in India is not only between two individuals. It's a union of two families. That's why marriages are celebrated so much in India. Since the families are involved in the marriage too deeply, it becomes a responsibility of couples to put extra efforts to save their marriage as if it failed it will break the families as well. That's one of the reason why we see so lower divorce cases in India as compared to Other developed countries. But this has its own negetive aspects as well. Due to excessive social and family pressures, many couples are stuck in the abusive, monotonous or incompatible marriages.

Marriages nowadays are no less than a lottery. As there will always be luck in finding a good partner. Then other thing to understand is that is there is nothing like perfect marriage and perfect partner. Nobody is perfect. We all have our goods and bads. Just like any other relationship, Marriage also requires great discipline, proper nurturing and honesty. The ultimate thing in a relationship is the, not giving up on each other. A marriage will test is each and everyday, there will be happy, sad and both days but the love will be always there. There is no place for ego and arrogance in a marriage. A successful marriage is bound by together of WE factor. It's not a one way relationship.

It's really important to understand each other, not gave your anger and me first attitude. There is no limit to love in a marriage, it's ok to argue, fight a little and even to go silent for a while. But each partner should always come back with more love and better understanding on the relationship. Many people prefer staying alone due to scares of being in a relationship or after the experience of a bad relationship. However, i think it better to give love and marriage a try. A lot of your happiness and success of marriage will depend on your partner as well. Then also it's better to be single than in a abusive and unhealthy marriage. So Marriage is a double edged sword. Relationships teaches us something's new everyday. Marriage gives us a partner, friend and lover for lifetime. It gives us a strong reason to live for and start a family, build a better life for ourselves.

This post is in response to today's Inleo writing prompt. If you are looking for topics to write on, do checkout the post for April month prompt here: @leo.tasks/april-inleo-monthly-calendar-now-here

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