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Celebrating Situational Awareness Today


Today's Celebration

In observance of situational awareness today, I'm going to play video games with my friends. When I thought about that, I laughed. In part, I play the game as a test of reflexes and sense for danger. In another way, I laugh at the notion that digital simulation of combat could ever prepare one for the myriad curveballs that life throws.

Almost reflexive to writing personal reflections, the brainstorm around safety and awareness connected to different topics.

Situational Awareness Online

I received a phone call from the same number three times today. Maybe it's someone who knows me, then again, maybe not. My partner's had her card information compromised before; she didn't realize the website domain she added payment info into was a phish.


Situational Awareness Outside

We took a walk before I sat down to write. I only drifted to this topic out of a half-hearted attempt to celebrate each day, thanks to inspiration from a Reader's Digest article about all the observances in September.

I might formalize the challenge for myself and write daily for October. Tangent aside, I've always lived in areas folks like to brag about. I don't tempt fate; situations change at every turn. So, walking home in the hood, I knew not to stare at folks but stay alert. I didn't turn around for folks calling out from across the street. I took my phone to my ear, turned and crossed the street away as an excuse to look back and gauge distances.

Anybody who needs something from me knows my name. If they don't, they're either introduced or not. I don't take walk-ins, you know?

Social Situational Awareness

I could go on about the different times I've seen people cross the line. In fact, that might get tedious quickly, so I mention a story that's somewhat fun.

See, where we live the neighborhood is very colorful. We've seen police arrive to apprehend some criminals down the hall. The paramedics came one day, because someone fell out of a third story window into the grass. A few kids, who couldn't be older than 9 or 10, I think the eldest might be 12, all run up and down the halls after school. They're a rowdy bunch.

Today, we took out the trash before going on a quick walk around the way. We stepped out our door to the sound of one of them crying after most likely bumping their head. One of the older ones tried to cover up the situation, saying they were "roleplaying how to cry".

They're funny!

But they sport a habit we that doesn't quite amuse us. They coming knocking when they want to hang out. And you can imagine, kids who don't stay at one of their friends' places and congregate outside, want action. They want to play, outside I bet, judging by how many sprints they run up the hallway.

Do they understand they probably shouldn't beat down the door for 30-something year old playmates? No. They're lack of situational awareness amuses the two of us, but not when we're trying to catch up on Game of Thrones.

That innocence is worth protecting, and when the time is right, educating on the merits of respecting others' privacy. No matter what though, there's something we all want to keep safe. Take the time to day to secure it.
