RE: The Counter of Enough

Arrrggh. I hate it when you get me thinking. Then words fail me.

I have a weird relationship with having money... A scarcity mindset often nudges me to assume it is not for me to have that much money and basic needs are to be strived for. This has dragged 40 to my face without saving meaning unless I pay attention for the next five years, I'll remain in this cycle.

I would hate it. As that means struggling through my fifties. And by doing so, I'll just climb the financial ladder say affording basic needs without feeling the weight. Not even close to where you are.

This can only prophecy zero retirements for me. If I am to live by the standards I want, I'll have to be still working. That means that I need to now embody my passion and go with it otherwise I will get bored to death.

I think 'greed' and 'is it enough' apply diverse meanings for all of us. What I hope is we find the beauty in the journey of life is for living.

My regards to your friend. She is instantly loved 🔆

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