The Last Before Night

Today was a good day.

After a bit of disappointment due to illness yesterday, we made up for it today with a great family day. It started with a trip after breakfast that we planned for Smallsteps to Proto Avastustehas, an invention center for kids. We took a taxi there as we didn't want to push it and destroy the start of the day and end up back at the hotel too early, like we did yesterday. The tax ride was an "experience" in and of itself, with a hippie who was telling us times were better under soviet rule, and then when we got out, he handed (literally with his bare hands) a fistful of dried apple, which is his business.

After taking a picture and throwing that in the bin, we spent three hours playing with the exhibits in the invention center, where there was a lot of VR displays, but we didn't really get into those too much. Smallsteps preferred the physical stuff, like shooting rockets, making boats out of styrofoam, and riding bikes to make electricity to power some scaletrix cars. It was a lot of fun and as things were still okay with Smallsteps not feeling ill, we started to slowly walk back toward the old city, which was our location for dinner. But on the way, we stopped for gluten- and lactose- free waffles - a place my wife had found.

Once we actually arrived back in the old city, we just kind of bummed around and talked, seeing what we could see, discussing all kinds of random things and whiling away the time until dinner. I feel like I hardly walked but it was 17,000 steps, which is 28,000 for Smallsteps, and probably 20,000 for my wife. Not bad for a slow day.

And then there was dinner.

Dinner was at a restaurant called Pegasus, which was another place my wife found, or got a tip for from a friend or something. While the menu was limited, they have a fair amount of gluten and lactose free stuff, as well as one dessert. The surprise was that Smallsteps chose the duck, because it is something that we can't get in Finland (We can get it, she just has never had it). "Are you sure" - Yes, the duck.

She really lied it too.

The meal was great and I went out on a limb too, ordering a whiskey sour (pictured above) instead of my usual gin and tonic. It was a good choice also. The service was good, fast and friendly - but perhaps the most surprising thing was what was written on the bill when I went to pay. It is at the end of this article.

And speaking of pictures, in no particular order tonight, but edited in Lightroom mobile a little to crop and clean up slightly, are the pictures from the day. I think there are some nice ones in the mix, however, my view is colored by it being such a good day with the family.

After a swim in the pool, it is time to chill a bit and watch some Eurovision (my wife is watching) and not spend too much time online for me. It has been nice to be a little away, but I am conscious of not answering comments fast enough. A couple days of slowness isn't unforgivable I suspect though.

Have a good night :)

[ Gen1: Hive ]
























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