On the Grow

We haven't done much outside other than clean it up and neaten, because there is little point to do much else. Our land is a corner plot, with both neighbors sloping into ours. This means that as the snow melts come spring, we have a swamp. To make matters worse, there is clay soil in places, so the water doesn't soak in, it just sits on the surface. Then, when the winter comes around after the autumn, the waterlogged land ripples as it freezes and thaws.

What we have to do is to dig down and scrape away soil, dig ditches around the property, put in drainage pipes to shift the water toward the road, put in some French drains (hidden drainage) alongside the drive, and then fill it all up with gravel, then finish it off so it is usable, and put bricks down on the driveway.

As you can imagine....


It is going to be very "cheap".

And this is without doing anything above ground to make it a garden. We need a retaining wall, stairs, paths, garden beds, plants... a terrace.

Tomorrow, we are having someone come to look and give advice and a quote on what we can do about it. I expect that we aren't going to be able to afford it, but perhaps we are able to either get some ideas, or get some pieces of it done. Even if we could stop the water from making a swamp, our lives would be easier and the garden more usable, then next year we could do a bit more.

I think that if the markets were to turn significantly green, I would likely spend a bit on getting at least some of the garden done. The summer isn't that long here, but it is silly to have a yard that is unusable seven months of the year, and barely usable the other five. Since at this point we are planning on being here much longer, we should start making it more suitable for our needs.

I made some plans about a year ago in Sketchup, but my license has expired, and I don't want to pay for it. So, I will have to find another free program I can use to do the same thing. I am sure there are plenty, but if I can't find something tonight, I will do it by hand, so the person gets an idea of what I mean. It can be hard to explain to some people, like my wife for example, aren't able to visualize in their head. I used to think this is a bit strange, but now I have extreme issues with it, and can barely visualize simple things, let alone anything complicated.

If anyone has a program suggestion, drop me a name.

I am yet to really use crypto for anything off of a blockchain, but I think that putting it into the house isn't a bad idea. Eventually, I would like to knockout the mortgage, but having something that adds value to the house, as well as is visible and usable for us as a family, would be a decent way to spend some. But as said, the markets would have to be a bit greener than they are now, for me to spend anything significant.

April before the halving might be good for alts, but I suspect there will be a bit of a dip after, because so many think that it will rocket up. However, six months from the halving might be a good time, which puts us toward the end of the year. That doesn't help for the garden this summer, but it might be useful for the following one, if I can grow the balls to sell something.

Maybe I can grow some in the garden.

Time to plan.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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