Find a balance between doing and not doing.

Find a balance between doing and not doing.

Hello friends; Surely it has happened to you that after having slept several hours at night you wake up in the morning super tired and in a bad mood and perhaps you have already been feeling this way for one, two or three days, or two, or three weeks and I think we can make certain changes in our routine that will help us live without so much fatigue and even have more energy.

I would like to tell you that two weeks ago I was super tired and it was because on a Friday we went to the concert that ended at around 12:00 at night, I normally fall asleep at 10:00 at night, so for me that was already having stayed up late, That meant that, the next morning, despite having I slept enough that I woke up at the same time, because my biological clock already tells me that it is time to wake up.

So I didn't rest well, I was very tired during the day and we went out to breakfast with some friends, then we saw people at lunchtime and at night we went to the theater again and saw a musical, we finished late again and The next day we saw friends again for lunch and at night we went to a concert again that also ended late and we got home around 12 at night. For me, maybe that's already staying up late, I rarely go out to party.

Maybe someone reading this says; “Oh please, 12 at night, if it's not that late”, but in truth for me it is, and it accumulates and it took me several days to realize that many times we do many things and we want to do everything and we can't. We give time to rest and this brings me to a first point that we have to find a balance between doing and not doing.

Life is that, doing and not doing, but right now we have the idea that we have to always be doing to be productive and feel useful and we want to do, do and do and we don't give ourselves the necessary time to rest, so ask yourselves: What is the balance in your life “of doing and not doing”? Find that balance and don't feel guilty for resting and not doing.

I feel that when I don't do something, I'm not being productive, so I very consciously pause in my life and try not to do things and look for those spaces for rest, and it also comes from listening to our body, many times our body tells us that we already need to pause; I notice in my body when I have been exercising for a long time or for several days and I have not rested, that my fingers start to hurt, for example, or perhaps my knees or my back.

Our body is very wise, if we have not rested we will most likely have a headache, we will be in a bad mood, we will gain weight, we cannot sleep well and our body talks to us all the time, it is like when you get the flu too, so take your time. time to live intensely.

Thank you for stopping by my blog, I hope you enjoyed my content. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, let me know in the comments section.

If you want to follow me, it's my twitter account, it's this @SocorroRosaura

Be very well!

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