Touch others

Good day great people of this community, how is everyone doing? I trust we all are doing great.
This is my first time posting here,am glad to be here among you all.
Today i want to share this little thought of mine which says:


Whatever we touch, we leave fingerprints.
As we touch other people's lives, we leave our identity in them.

Life is better when you are happy; but life is at its best when others are happy because of you.

Be faithful in touching other people's hearts; be an inspiration.

Nothing is more important and worth practising than being a channel of God's blessing.

Nothing in nature lives for itself. Rivers do not drink their own water; Trees do not eat their own fruits.The sun does not shine for itself; and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves.

Living for others is a rule of nature. We were all born to help one another.

No matter how difficult the situation you find yourself in, still do good to others!
Thanks all for stopping by my blog,i really appreciate.
See you all on my next post

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