Time is Money, but is Money Time? Reflecting on what my Grandparents taught me

My grandma always said that coffins do not have pockets. I was young and sure that she was saying such just because she was old and the biggest part of the work was done by my grandpa (her husband).

How do you say it? I was Young and Fool

The first thing I understood was that my grandma even if did not actively carried on “money-work” she acted perfectly as the CEO of the Family, as she had 6 kids in a span of 15 years. My mother was the first, and she as well started working very soon to help the family reaching the end of the month.

My grandpa was the Major of a big village in the province of Verona (Italy) in the 1950s, doing such work was not paid (you could not guess, huh?), he got home, ate something, and then got out again to go work in a local company that produced floor tiles.

Why my Grandma said that coffin do not have pockets is not clear to me. Maybe she was a little bit worried with her husband because he was almost outside. But I cannot blame him, nor her. It as their life and as far as I know, I am alive by miracle since my Grandpa risked seriously to get killed in the Second World War at first. And then, when the war was ending he also risked to get deported to the Nazi camps for traitors (when Italy stopped being allied with Germany), Jewish and other people.

Source: https://bahaiteachings.org/central-bahai-teachings/

When people says that Time is Money they are ALMOST right.

You can save time and save some Money. But then, I see a lot of people doing things just to pass the time, or like we say in Italian “fool the time”.

Do you see it?

Fooling time. Fooling something that is scarce and cannot go back.

Lately, I had a pain at my shoulder that is lasting for a couple of months. It’s not damaging, so I am observing it. At the very beginning it remembered me that time is passing and that is my responsibility and commitment to spend my time in the most productive way for me and for people that surround me.

That’s why saving time we are actually saving Money (and Karma).

Source: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-and-splinter

But Money is not really Time, as Time cannot be bought back.

That’s why I appreciate sharing experiences with people, writing them also here on Hive, talking about esoteric topics with “sleeping” people trying to awaken them, increasing the general awareness of people surrounding me.

Thanks @tarazkp for such community. I felt I lacked a community where sharing these kind of contents, in a form of an “ordered stream of consciousness”.

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