Fighting Till The End.

Farming is one of the ways we improve our economic life. Several benefits are derived from the farm. We get food stuff for family use and we get income from sales of the farm produce we harvest.

One of the staple food items we have is the maize. We can use the maize to make a number of local delicacies. When we harvest the freshly matured maize (which has not dried) we boil it and eat it. It is usually very sweet.

The seed of maize can be processed into pab (a common maize liquor usually consumed in the morning.) Industrially, maize is used in making semovita and other kinds of feed. Some are for human consumption while others are livestock.

The farming season, I had planned that I would have a sizable harvest of maize from farms. So, I went to work.

After I planted the maize, the birds came up and dug the seeds and ate them. That was very offensive. I planted the second time and they kept digging and eating. I would have been discouraged from planting any more maize but I have determined that we must have a good output of maize from the farm this year.

I Kept Fighting For What I want

I kept fighting for what I wanted. I wouldn't want ordinary animals to alter my plans. I used all available ideas to ensure that I stop the birds from frustrating my plan of having maize from the farms this year. I poisoned them, and I kept replanting them. Now I have maize standing in the farm. Soon they will be ripe for harvesting and I will have maize in my house as I proposed.

Such Is Life

Such is life! Many people have given up on things that would have profited them because of initial challenges. Challenges are not to inhibit us, they are to spur us up. They are to strengthen us. They are to inspire us to do better. If you are one of those who bow to challenges, stop. Arise and take every confrontation as an opportunity to prove to your world that you are ready to be who you want to be.

_ Thank you for your time in reading my blog._

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