And, how do you appreciate life?


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Talking about life is a topic that may be trite or has been written about a lot by many people.

Talking about life for me is valid because each being is unique and unrepeatable and each one has his own experiences, family, school, work, and day-to-day.

It is to live situations that according to your life experience you solve... or just wait for things to happen.

Each one has its own scenarios where each one mobilizes its fibers to stay in it or just let it pass.

Life for some means so much, others perhaps do not value it that they even play with it without taking into account the movements that life gives every day.

To go deeper into this subject is to carry sequences of information that are not distributed in schools. In school, they only tell you: that you are born, you grow, you reproduce and you die...that it is only a cycle. It seems that they tell us that there is nothing else...just a cycle.

For me, life is a privilege, to be healthy, and to have a healthy body is great...with it, you can do great things when you understand that life is not just a cycle. There is so much more to do than just how academic we become. To discover with time the functions of each organ, understanding the relationship with emotions, thoughts, and feelings.


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A relationship that we discover when we arrive at that moment of asking existential questions, as they are called. Why am I here? why did I come to this world? why does the sun rise? why do the stars exist? what is there beyond the earth? what is the relationship with the planets in the solar system? and so many questions that for some are silly for others have answers.

When we begin to make sense or to understand ... to realize things that happen to us, to intertwine dreams with real life, from day to day ... the questions remain, what relationship is there? There have always been researchers in every era, in the past, in the present...we have the great philosophers who were curious about everything around them, searching or connecting in interpersonal relationships.... what did that have to do with that and despite being very criticized their great works about how they shaped their knowledge are so real and contemporary that I think if they really that their thoughts led them to look for truths about the world, life, what surrounded them, the words and you stop counting.

How many times is it remembered or someone is a fan of his phrases that are icons of each one of them, such as I only know that I know nothing about Socrates, I interpret it in a very good way because every day we learn something new, no matter how something we already know but we learn it from another perspective, saying: look at another way of doing it.

It is a way of reflecting on life, and my own experience. Every day is a unique present.

So, how do you value your life?

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