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A Look at Anxiety and Depression

Greetings #Reflections community.
Where our point of view is truly free.

Years go by, I grow in age, information cluttering the social networks about anxiety and depression...for many well-worn topics that according to them do not make sense or the time has not come for them to recognize a state of anxiety.

Psychiatrists, given the widespread information in the various media including social networks, have been given the task of educating about this issue, to look at it as they put it and define it as a condition or disease that can be controlled, is cyclical and chronic, tends to appear and disappear.

Because of this, specialists in the area determine that anxiety is like hypertension, or diabetes that deserves the full attention of the person who suffers from it.

Have you ever suffered panic attacks? what do you feel at that moment? what are you going to die, why can't you breathe? these are symptoms that can appear at times in life. When it happens for the first time, the person has to seek professional help. Accept that it requires medical attention and follow-up in the.

It usually happens that attend them, told by the same professionals, when the patient sits the first thing he says I do not want to medicate ... when it is a non-observant professional, who as a professional is in the group of those who first ask for different physical medical evaluations to make decisions regarding this. Some accept it, others do not.

They repeatedly emphasize that in principle and according to the case medication is necessary, the professional who is trained in neuroscience or neuroplasticity his way of looking at this condition differently the guidance can give the patient... is not only to medicate but he is also in favor of psychotherapy.

When psychotherapy is proposed it is the work of the person who requires the help, an internal, individual work, of commitment, and responsibility because he/she has to understand that mental health is as necessary as physical or emotional health.

There are different techniques to calm states of anxiety, as well as professionals in this specialty who also live with this condition from which arises the urgent need to bring to society an education on these issues. Not to be taken lightly. To filter a lot of information that comes to us through any media. To think, to observe oneself in moments that are lived in the day-to-day.

Thus, as stress influences..., we educate ourselves to identify good stress from bad stress that carries other elements. A good stress I consider as one that we can handle and most of us live it in society to work schedules, decision making, and different aspects that are not exhausting and we can move forward.

To identify a bad stress, when insomnia appears in a way that does not go away, a thought of some situation that we do not know it is going to happen, and instead of calming down, it grows.

The statistics of people in this situation worldwide is growing every day affecting children, adolescents and of course older people, hence the concern and interest of these professionals to want to educate in this type of conditions that affect silently.

Is it necessary to educate on these issues? Do you find interesting what these professionals are doing for a better mental health and a better society? Do you have any actions on how to maintain a stable mental or emotional state or with good management of emotions, to control this?

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