When did you stop learning?

Does education stop somewhere between your teens and late twenties?

The question on how to educate kids is a recurrent one. With people who have kids themselves, with others working with kids, remembering how it was to be young or considering how they’ll deal with it once they will have children of their own.

And then I asked myself, How come we so often talk about how to educate the kids? But we do not discuss how we educate ourselves?

Does learning take an end somewhere between your teens and late twenties?

It surely doesn’t have to.

Then why don’t we spend a little more thought and effort on the question: “How do I want to educate myself?” And let the kids mind their own business for a while.

I had many discussions with different people, discussions that can often turn highly emotional. Some will defend the idea that every kid has to absolutely go to school. Other won’t bare the thought of theirs ever setting foot in one. Some feel like the frame of education we know works perfectly well, others hold on to alternative systems. Meanwhile I have my share of ideas or believes on the subject, I mainly remember my own experiences and know that my parents could have never known what I specifically could or wouldn’t have needed. Which leaves me with the feeling that we can’t possibly get it all right or all wrong by intention.

The only thing we can get right or wrong by intention is ourselves. Now that we are consent adults, we can create the life around us, that we aspire. Now that there aren’t any teachers or parents telling us whats right and whats wrong we can decide for our own, what we want to learn. Or we can choose the teachers that inspire us and walk away from the ones that don’t.

Because isn’t our intend to want to make it right for our kids, just a reflection of the regrets we have about our own childhood-education?

Why don’t we make it right for ourselves now, that we can?

Instead of guessing what “the kids” might need or want. Can we ask each other for a moment: “How do you educate yourself?” “How do you learn?”

What are you excited about learning recently? Why? How? Tell me about it!

Thank you for passing by, enjoy your week!

All photos and words are owned by ©kesityu taken and written by myself.

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