Thankfully, everyone has their own reality

Hi Hive Lovers

This post is a reminder (again) for each of us who still feel disappointed and less grateful for what we already have.

**God will have provided all the things we need, even though not always according to what we want.**

Are you always comparing things?

People who have to use a wheelchair always compare themselves to other people who have legs. Someone who has a pair of legs always compares himself with other people who have vehicles. Even so, someone still wants to have a pair of wings to be able to fly freely.
But have they ever reversed the comparison?

Everyone (without exception) always wants the best in life, but in reality, there are always things that don't go according to their wishes and expectations. There are many feelings of disappointment that arise in a person's life because of the reality that their hopes or desires cannot be achieved.

Disappointment is a problem that arises because you often compare things; it's like comparing your own life with others; even comparing your life today with your life yesterday will also be a problem.

Everyone has their own reality, and it will never be the same. The best advice is never to compare!

Accepting a reality that doesn't match expectations is indeed very difficult, but rest assured that there is always a way out of every problem. It only works if one has a positive attitude. A positive attitude will always open opportunities to see many choices as a way out.

The positive attitude that forms the basis for the emergence of various opportunities for all solutions is #Gratitude.

Being grateful can be defined as acknowledging all the goodness that has been obtained, accepting all the facts that have happened, and having hope for all the things that will happen.

Being grateful doesn't mean just giving up

Being grateful does not mean just being resigned to accepting reality without even trying. "Even birds have to come out of their nest to get their own food."

Surrender should be the end of the maximum effort that you have put in. You should even be grateful that you still have the opportunity to try, while there are many people who have to lie in the hospital with no opportunity to do anything and can only wait to recover, even if they can recover.

A sense of gratitude will change a person's perspective to be positive and more optimistic about living their life. A positive and optimistic attitude will provide a stimulus to one's mental and physical health, and that is the main capital for a better life.

How to train and build gratitude

Let me try to share my experience of what I have done in the 40 years of my life. I'm still practicing to build that gratitude.

  1. Gratitude with hearts
    This is a form of gratitude: realizing and wholeheartedly admitting that I am still fine until this second.
    In accordance with my faith, I must consciously admit that it is God who wills everything that I am receiving right now. Awareness and acknowledgment of all of God's gifts have made my heart wider, and that makes me happy to keep living all things in my life.
  2. Gratitude with words
    I increase the form of gratitude in the heart with words to be grateful. Wouldn't everything that is meant in our hearts be firmer if we said it with our tongues and listened to our own ears?
    My faith teaches that everything we will do must begin and end with and in the name of God, and that is by saying prayers as an expression of my gratitude.
  3. Gratitude with action
    The form of gratitude in the heart and the expression of these words are again enhanced by actions that show my gratitude.
    If you are willing, you can donate some of your excess income to people who really need it.
    Don't we, as people who have eyes and can see, have to be sensitive and have an obligation to help blind people cross the road? All good deeds done by helping fellow human beings are part of a form of gratitude through actions.

Be assured that when you are grateful with your heart, with your words, and with your good actions, it will all bring you happiness.

In addition to bringing happiness to yourself, gratitude will bring happiness to others you help. It is a form of happiness that is contagious and for which others will be grateful too.

Think about it:
Have you ever been grateful that this morning you can still wake up from your sleep, breathe perfectly, and smile while saying good morning to someone?

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