Without voices ...

To live quietly...

Whoever it is, those voices that tell us that we are not going to make it, we have to stop listening to them.

Whoever is in our environment, we have to set limits, I will always encourage and applaud those who applaud victories, especially those of others, I think it's because I already triumph inside.

This week has been strange, I've run into people who make me understand that humans are getting weirder every day. There are people so inferior that they only find existence by trying to humiliate others, and I would like and need to change my mind, because I think that even under the roof of the church, people come out with everything, because they have no values, respect and education, they lost that in their homes of origin.

I think that life seen too closely is a tragedy and from very far away is a joke. And I know that fear doesn't die with me, but it always tells me how to live.

When I understood that one, as an adult, endures the strong thing that happens to you and that everything that happens is not necessarily because of energy, but because of my decisions I began to see the world and my world differently, we are processes, changes, walkers and during that journey you connect, you grow, you empathize, of integrity, but in the end, in my individuality I keep advancing, at the point of blows sometimes and many others without so much resistance, and let me tell you hive friends, rebuilding looking for my treasures, that is my magic and spirituality.

Many times we can fall into the erroneous belief that tranquility is achieved simply by avoiding doing things, without understanding that true inner peace and a life of profit and happiness is actively built.

How is that?

Stop thinking that tranquility only comes with inactivity. It is by no means like that.

No one can live with emotional stability, love, happiness, prosperity and whatever good thing we want for ourselves, without exercising concrete actions, without building all that we want.

Instead of staying on the device waiting for everything to fall from the sky, it's up to us to go out and look for that thing we want so much.

I have been working for my prosperity and stability for years, striving, focused, disciplined and always looking to be the best at what I do.

How tasty it is to work on what we are passionate about, what a satisfaction, preparing delicious dishes with our loves, helping those who need us, it gives a lot of joy too. There are many things that really give us, it is well-being that is felt in the head and heart.

We take care of ourselves inside and out, we do therapy, we move towards a life with healthy habits because we want mental and physical health.

If, I want to establish loving and harmonious relationships? What do I do? At least, I strengthen my self-esteem and revise my beliefs about love and relationships, and from there, I establish the necessary changes to be a better version to connect in a more solid and committed way.

How do I find out?

It is essential to understand that tranquility is not simply the absence of activity, but the result of a well-balanced life focused on meaningful goals, on clear objectives.

It is from there that a full life is achieved, it is from there that I see how my life takes on meaning, achieving a balance, between, serenity and personal fulfillment.

What do I do when I lose my focus?.

I'm learning to enjoy the road. Because there are people who fight and win battles, but they don't enjoy the loot. With this, I say they live in a constant search for what they do not have and what they want. And when they get it they don't enjoy it. Because it is thought that nothing has been achieved.

Learning to navigate the complexities of human relationships can be our most demanding battlefield. I think lying voices and drama as a tool crush the opportunities of others.

Tell me, what are you doing to achieve that life full of good things? I will read your comment.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Translation with |DeepL

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