To be important, without being useful, is boastful…

You can already feel the Christmas atmosphere everywhere.

The bugles of the cars, the traffic, the last-minute rush running, the Christmas lunches, the presents, the music. May we all be blessed to be able to enjoy these dates with health, prosperity, work and happiness.

To celebrate with caution, without so much liquor. Our (family) are waiting for us at home, to share in union and love...

For many, the most joyful and happy time of the year. A time of reconciliations, smiles, good wishes and giving the best of everyone. Take the opportunity to meet with your loved ones and offer them your best gift, your love.

Every era has its tendencies, on issues that draw attention to society.

These days, it is common to encounter characters who, for personal gain, do anything to become a trend and, many times, without caring much, distort reality or harm the formation of their followers, whether they are children, young people, it does not matter. They don't care. There are examples everywhere. The search for profit and to be important, or to believe it, comes before values and good customs. That's not so difficult, and it enriches them, but they do harm.

What is different, what goes against the grain, what requires greater efforts and perseverance, is to be useful. The way we see things around us, impact in one way or another thoughts and, therefore, our emotions and so things begin to be different, because we look at the opportunities.

Ifs they are positive, we will feel happy, if they are negative, we will feel uncomfortable. Everything starts from the way we assume reality and the way they impact us.

Very often, we are victims of the environment, especially when stress leads us by wrong perceptions or perspectives, which seem more serious than they really are. The worst thing is that, in most cases, they are environmental situations, not ours, since we are only spectators. Others are recreated in the mind, in an anticipated or negative or uncertain way, and how much uncertainty they generate for us... To think that they are often in our mind.

Many times, just by changing optics, and thinking about things differently, everything starts to change. Life is much simpler, when we learn to interpret it differently, and our mental and physical health will benefit.

When you do the right thing, and you haven't hurt anyone, you have a great advantage to win the fight in front of you. To help, to train, to teach, to set an example, that is difficult. But it's the duty, it's the responsibility, it's the right thing to do.

We must try to contribute to the development of humanity in the best possible way. It takes learning to teach, wanting to do. It takes vocation, concentration and purpose to convince others of what is right. That's the difficult part, but it's what fills with the greatest satisfaction.

May our footprint in the world serve to move US ALL towards a better destiny by being or feeling important, looking over our shoulder, without being useful, is boastful, is fatuous and useless. I know the difference. Be useful. It adds value. Society and those around us will reward us, and we will do very well. Just like in these photos from my city, my orchids and my soursop bush is starting to harvest, grow being useful in our environment without being boastful.

Nothing more to add, but to reflect on this message. And work on our big dreams. So, sooner rather than later, our dreams will come true.


Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Translation with |DeepL

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