The intergenerational movement ...

Being a family of faith does not mean being a boring family. Giving children time and education over money is a great inheritance. My dad says that he has not seen any urn with a safe (full of money) behind, but with a troop of people with something to be grateful for.

Life is that moment when you feel like you don't need anything. Life is about being filled with people who make the ordinary extraordinary. That's what my family does to my environment. They are my vitamin, they are my finding the subtle exchange between the inner and the outer world. The gaze that constitutes us as human puppies, which, which, one's own and that of others. I have more work left than I thought, thank you for the lamp you provide on the way, may the Universe continue to illuminate us to help those of us who are on another stretch of the path.

Shared life is more interesting.

I love my family and how happy it makes me to feel ready to throw the rest for this promised land where we live in the usual sunny Caribbean. Because this promised land has been the gift that I give to my daughters every day: every time the sun rises, God reminds me that he is there for me, even if I don't pay attention many times to that little ray of sunshine that sneaks through my window to wake me up and announce a new day.

Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for teaching me the discipline of staying on the right path.

I have worked hard enough to give my daughters an education in values and ethics, and they have learned that money is not what matters, but studying, working, preparing, striving, and the value of service, and I know that that will be enough because God knows what each one needs. They keep in mind that to serve (help) others, it takes quality TIME, more than money.

***They are two timeless women, practicing the so fashionable now, called by me "the intergenerational move" hahaha...!****

The difficult job of being a mom, a professional, a friend and a wife is to reflect and digest, perhaps to learn what not to do when facing the weaknesses of our children, husband, family. I love every learning that allows me to continue building this company of love that is called family. Which is the only thing that matters. Thank you, God, for allowing us to stay together and to be able to sit and thank Him around a table. Currently, they are not close to me, they have emigrated but thanks to technology and so many photos I have with them, we can do it in special moments and whenever my heart wants to be overwhelmed by their love.

Cultivating the essence of being, how much does it cost us.

I hope to be able to follow your legacy until the end of my days as you still do at the age of 84, she is the firm ground where I have always stepped; she taught me half of who I am, and gave me the freedom and confidence to learn the other half... her guide never weighed in because she managed to make it easy for me to do well what she expected me to do well.

I wish and hope to continue filling the lives of my daughters with hope and happiness, without a doubt I have the best examples to continue with this beautiful work.

Likewise, I reflect on what I write in this post, and that is that maybe if we learn to think of the family as if they were flowers in our garden, we look at them, admire them, take care of them to accept their essence; commanding them, correcting them, criticizing them, judging them, transforming them into what they should be or what we would like them to be, just maybe, there would be fewer people who, even being beautiful flowers, are self-conscious, embarrassed, hurt, disoriented, withered, sad and lonely human beings.

Life, as in the photos or the flowers in the garden, has more than one chance. To achieve the ideal photo, you have to make several "shots". And they all end up being valid. The important thing is to get the photo that makes you happy, and the memories are refreshed every time you look at it.

That's what I wish, that whenever we are together (even in photos), we are smiling, and that the smile stays on us, my loves, my whole life.

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