Take advantage of fresh collagen ...

Love at any age...

Whether of the same age, less or more age; it is defeated and if it is not so, it will be until the body endures, hahaha. I say this because there are no guarantees in love, it's just time to give yourself and live it.

Age does have a lot to do with relationships, and it's not that at first they don't love each other, but when the difference is more than a decade there's a lot of difference and that at some point doesn't work...Are you worried about what they will say about the age difference between you and your partner?

Many times we get together with someone older or younger than us in age, but the opinion of others does not cease to bother us, because of the conventionalisms, whether the sugar or the mommy, whether it will work or not later when one of the two reaches old age and that the other is in full physical and mental faculties.

I share this reflection with you...

One of my best friends, has a relationship, 30 years apart, with her partner. And the truth is that they are already going for 10 years together, maybe they have a long way to live.

But so far it is the best choice according to my friend have made. It is a conscious love that transforms, genuine, with what age brings. She says that they adjust to each other without forcing each other, they just let go of conventionalusses, they are adults, happy. I think my friend and sub-partner set the bar very high for the beef because they know what they want and they love each other.

Sometimes she feels scared because it's a lot of age difference... She has had several experiences because all her exes have been older than her, but they have not worked because of the damages!!!.

Do I dare to continue with this relationship?

I just told him to raise the minimum, you two are quite grown up hehe, don't stop what people say, if your partner moves the floor, and he treats you nice, throw him pigeon and go ahead.

Tell me that... social judgment by differences in skin color. 🙄 What century are we in? Be happy and now! Pa'lante!

I hope with this post, to give you the push you were missing to launch yourself to live the experience?Of course, sometimes it's a problem, and that's when love isn't real.

It is really ourselves who must change our own concepts about this, because many times we discriminate based on age, skin color, nationality, religion, weight, height and even and with this we are only making a mistake to couples because of the way they relate, instead of realizing if they love each other or not, the important thing here is love and that they are really happy and not be judged by these differences that I mention.

There are people who don't live or let live. The thing has to be between adults, to take advantage of "fresh collagen"...lol

I always ask myself, are you going to love thinking about the future or are you going to give yourself to a real love, living it in the present?

It is essential to stop fooling around and live what we want to live as a couple, regardless of social stigmas and discrimination, as long as it is between adults and in consensus.

So, let's not pay attention to what they will say and give the green light to the love of the good one, the one that is real, and between adults. Do you have this kind of existential rolls because of the age difference with your partner? Let's talk in comments...


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Translation with |DeepL

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