Cable to ground ...

And there are people who achieve it...

Having their feet on the ground and touching the sky, or at the same time swimming and standing on their toes, on the ground.

Did you ask me where the years went by? And now we say that we are pioneers in so many things and that's what we have even dancing as we say in my town or that no one takes away what I danced haha

And to think that this is how we are, there is no, nor is there any talk of experience, only negligence and of course, copy, paste and be a coach of anything.

I remember that in those years when I was studying, what I could do was copy notes and send them via fax to each other. And the price of being a pioneer is incredible and really worth it. It is and was a lot of work, but I don't change it for anything. And to think that this is how we are, there is no, nor is there any talk of experience, only negligence and of course, copy, paste and be a coach of anything.

What people do nowadays I prefer to see from the barrier as well as I see the bulls in the coleo sleeves. Hahaha

Having your own criteria is fundamental and knowing who I grab recommendations from, I take them into consideration depending on what it is, especially when it comes to advice on medicine, science and medicinal remedies, miraculous of this never to an influencer for example.

There are so many people on the networks saying how you should live your life, and they don't know how to live theirs. They take it very lightly that anyone is now a coach. Guidance rather than advice should come from a professional.

Of course, this topic is quite complex, people say a lot of things and sometimes it's scary. The world is selling everything and the origin of the networks is lost. Already here one is not distracted, it looks like a virtual market and sometimes it gets tiring.

I have been a teacher for more than 40 years, I still remember that first day of class at the Petroleum Training Center for training of the Armed Forces, with army soldiers in my country, since then my life had meaning, I am always grateful.

What I do today as a university teacher has my personal stamp, it is the evolution of a lot, this is called legacy.

What a joy I feel to share my stories, tales and anecdotes, it's a lot of work, but I don't change it for anything. I like to watch the bulls*** from the sidelines when I see what is being done nowadays and people procrastinate for bullshit, for laziness.

The great thing is that in this phase while I choose each story, while I make each analogy, seeking to give more clarity to those of you who read me daily on Hive, it is I who achieve more clarity in myself in my own scripts of the story of my life, in this way accelerated the pace and that lightens my load that I carry in my own backpack.

I am a woman who as much as possible always lives from the truth, and I stay with this phrase because nowadays, this is so difficult, in such a superficial society.

I think that doing it saves us so many things and above all going to my bed every night in peace, even when there are the everyday problems that we all live. The truth somehow sets us free.

We must learn to tolerate different situations, understanding that many things that happen to us in life change the course of our existence.

I can recognize the strength in a human being when he speaks from his story, especially if the story is not a tale of paths, it is his experience, then it is valuable.

Today was a good day.

How nice it is to serve for something in this life. To love what one does. Even better, to learn from working with people who want and long for something better.

Take care, people.


Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Translation with |DeepL

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