Between coats and dresses hanging...

Every day I publish writings, which might interest you, be careful, you only read them, if you are interested.

I leave today's one here so that you can at least read what it's about, only if you want…

"Between the innocence of the game and the power of imagination, the seed of a future without limits is sown.”

Reflecting on the experiences of our childhood is like opening an ancient book full of secrets and teachings.

It is common to think of our inner child as something that we carry inside, protected and hidden behind the layers that we have built up over the years.

But in reality, perhaps that child is outside, acting as a shield that protects us from adversities and constantly reminds us who we are in essence.

This child is not just a memory; he is a being endowed with hidden gifts who, if we allow ourselves to listen to him with caution and respect, can whisper truths that we have forgotten over time, truths that have formed the path that has brought us to the here and now.

Today I woke up in that space, that refuge of my childhood.

I remembered my inner child, locked in the closet of her room, when she was only ten years old, inviting the neighbors to enter her tiny sanctuary to read their hands and reveal fragments of their futures.

There, in the gloom, between coats and dresses hanging, she found the light of intuition and connection, a place where the past and the present intertwine to rediscover and make sense of our experiences.

A place where the voice of our childhood resonates clearly and without fear, where every line of our hands is a story waiting to be told.

I think that life seen too closely is a tragedy and from very far away is a joke. And I know that fear doesn't die with me, but it always tells me how to live.

When I understood that one as an adult endures the beating and that everything that happens is not necessarily because of energy, but because of my decisions I began to see the world and my world differently, we are processes, changes, walkers and during that journey you connect, you grow, you empathize, you integrate, but in the end in my individuality I keep moving forward, at the point of blows sometimes and many others without so much resistance, and let me tell you Hive friends rebuilding looking for my treasures, that's my magic and spirituality.

Undoubtedly, it is difficult to let go of the past. Carrying that suitcase delays us in many ways, it is essential to lighten our luggage and move on.

I don't know, it's about forgetting, it's about moving forward, extracting learning from what has been lived, and flowing with life, in the present. In fact, it is so, in the sense that living in permanent nostalgia, in the melancholy of the past, brings depressive features.

And how do you feel after achieving it? Did it cost you?...

Last week, I went as a cheerleader to the marathon where my husband was participating, seeing more than 1700 souls running puts you in perspective, there were full marked professionals, ladies, gentlemen, fathers and mothers with small children, people in wheelchairs, with runners guides, in short to run out of excuses, I enjoyed it too much, I was just giving support and encouragement at the finish, I think I was the one who was the most enthusiastic about the experience.

This dress in the photo has been hanging for many years in my closet, that dress was mine, my daughter's and now after 60 years it will be a granddaughter's, I have kept it wrapped in blue tissue paper...

Any comments you make here, we can chat about it.


Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Translation with |DeepL

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