A flashlight to see beyond...

!Repeat it! a thousand times, and make calligraphy of this phrase please, record yourself "Love is not forced" as a mantra.

The number of people who don't understand, I don't LOVE YOU is immense! I don't want you by my side anymore. They are people who are deaf and blind to all the signs of heartbreak that they make. They are addicted to denying the reality of a I DON't LOVE YOU!.

Sometimes it seems that many people do not understand that love is not forced, and then they insist that by force! You have to love them. And look, no, it's not like that.

Every few days of the week, we meet in a café, and I end up repeating the same thing, I've been patient with my friend, but I don't wear out, anymore, to repeat the same to her about this topic By the way, that the husband was unfaithful, the first thing she thinks, and she has even told me, I don't know what did I do wrong?. I mean, the husband rides her horns, and she feels guilty, incredible!...

Are definitely people who are used, humiliated, trampled on and still say "I just want it". I think they have no idea what it's like to want!

There are people who do not understand and do not want to understand when someone stopped loving them. They insist and insist as if by repetition they are going to get them to love them. 🙄

If someone doesn't love you, why do you want to keep him? Let them go! It's the best thing that could happen to you. Don't you get it?

If the guy goes with someone else, ALL the BETTER! Let her, or him, the other of the trio, take that treacherous and lying guy. Why would you want him by your side? Huh?

And with all this that I am telling you here, listening to my friend, she is able to try to twist reality to try to fit the lout into her life and try to look at him as a sweet stuffed animal. Please, stop it already!.

When you humble yourself for love, forgive me for telling you, but you don't deserve it. If they don't love you, why fight? Where did you leave your emotional intelligence?

Understand something, intelligence is never being together with someone who does not love you, who gives you a bad life, and who negatively affects your existence.

I have been surrounded by people who lived and still live that way, “twisting reality to try to fit the oaf” in their life.

What I mean, and in simple terms...

I think that from self-love we do not self-destruct and still, we let others do it. Self-esteem, self-love, emotional intelligence, self-respect, and various factors that can include, all that unconfigured makes us brutes and ignorant with knowledge. Have you experienced something like this?

The important thing is to open your eyes and if you can't get out of the heartbreak alone, the spite, the I can't deal with this alone anymore, then seek professional help, that's called being smart and not dying of grief and sadness.

Many of you who read me, maybe you have felt that the world came over you, because you are going through a similar situation, when in fact they rather did you a favor, suddenly you have freed yourself from a vermin, can you imagine? Maybe they don't see it that way at the moment, but time does its job and brings calm.

I always say that in relationships things should be easier, something like: we saw each other, we liked each other, we kissed, we made love, and then we fell in love.

Although it is also valid that it may happen that one of the two does not like the result, sometimes it happens that reality does not come close to expectations and well other opportunities are no longer desired and if it does not work it is valid to say goodbye.

Love without actions is mere poetry and...

Even if it hurts I told my friend and colleague, you have to decide on one, I told her to stop playing the role of victim already.

I hope that intelligence will help her to seek therapy and put distance with her cheating husband. I think it's the most healthy and sensible thing to do. Her situation is hard emotionally, the important thing is that she removes the emotional deafness and blindness that she has. Until I say enough!. Have you experienced something like this? See you in comments.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva

Translation with |DeepL

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