Disconnecting from web and connecting with family

The past couple of months, I have been trying to stay away from my phone and the internet because I have come to realize that spending too much time on them is a big distraction from what is truly important in my life. You see, I have a 20-month-old kid, and when he wasn't around, spending time on my phone was okay. But now, every minute that is lost from watching my child grow up without reason is unacceptable. So, I try to spend as much time as I can with him and my wife.

And that's what I did today. In the past few days, the weather wasn't so good, so we had to spend a lot of time indoors. For a kid his age, staying inside, even for an hour, seems like an eternity. His mood changes with every passing minute, and he becomes grumpy. It is obvious that he wants to go out. Today, the weather was sunny with a high temperature of around 22 degrees, so I took him and my wife, who had her day off, to the beach to play with the sand and sunbathe.

For the time that a stopped throwing away my time and spending it with my family i have felt two things

A stronger relationship with both of them becaus Quality time allowed us to bond and build stronger relationship. Regular interactions, shared experiences, and open communication created a sense of closeness, trust, and understanding that we didn’t have before.

Communication and Conflict Resolution was easier and in fac
t we had less conflicts between us because we were able to communicate openly, resolve conflicts, and address any issues or concerns. We had a safe space for discussions, and problem-solving.

Overall from that time onwards the three of us are happier that we ever been and that is obvious in our every time activities from how we became more efficient in work or having a better sleep at night.

What I didn’t like from out day was seeing how some people have such bad manners that are throwing away their garbages on the beach when the trash bins are meters away.

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