RE: Blind luck or by design

No, I don't believe in luck but I do believe that destiny does have a role to play in a man's life( though most times, they are interchangeably used, but the place of HARD WORK and PROPER PLANNING cannot be overemphasized. The reason I say destiny has a role is because of what happened to me years back. I had gone for an interview but I wasn't selected and I really was disappointed because I had given it my best shot. Two months later, while I was roaming around for another job, I got a strange SMS from that same place, asking me to resume immediately. I felt it was a mistake but it wasn't.
I later discovered that the person who was employed in my stead was very sick and had been rushed to a Teaching Hospital and would be there for God knows how long, (hey I'm not happy all that happened)... It was later confirmed that I was a better person for the job but was chosen because he was a relative of my boss).
That job came with an accomodation and a juicy allowance which helped me tide through some financial problems I was having at that time. That job also gave me an opportunity to become a better person.
I would say that though I deserved that job, it was taken away but destiny gave it back.

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