RE: Assessment On My Two Weeks No Sugar Challenge

Wow I've never heard a GP say drink more coffee and use more salt. The water consumption yes.

I laugh to myself because I think we all have used excuses to undertake in drinks, food and other things for that matter. Than a lot of times people tell themselves what's one more time going to hurt. That mentality right there probably leads to health implications.

Yes I've seen YOLO come into the food world too. We should be more conscious of our health and not think everything has to be done or in this case tried and eaten get some more.

We can all learn better with food if we practice in moderation. A short challenge like the one you did is a good start to it. It's important we don't go crazy with a substitute as you touched on.

Time for me to practice as I'm guilty on more than one charge, haha. A good article friend to think and act about our behavior at the eating table. 😊

BTW There were some tempting photos you shared but I sit here and I'm not craving anything. So reading all this must have helped! 😄

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