Being Bored Could Get You Stung


A rotten tree resided at the edge of the back yard. Some bees decided it made a fine home for them. They built a large hive up inside the tree. It should have been high enough that most typical predators would not be able to get to their hive.

What the bees didn’t anticipate was a bored and mischievous young little boy like me. Now, this young little boy decided it would be fun to pick up a long stick then shove it in the hole from which bees would come and go on the tree.

It did not turn out well. I was stung above one of my eyes twice. Then was stung in a few other places as well. Must say I was kind of a tough kid though. Yeah, cried a little but got over kind of it quick, because had a movie to get to in a couple of hours. Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back was not going to be missed. Regretfully, by the time me the older brother sat down, and the movie started, I was barely able to see anything because both eyes were almost swollen shut.

I bring this up because I am reflecting on a relative of my wife’s. We and other family members have done everything we can to remove this individual from our life because they are like the little bored coinjoe.

They love to go around poking “hornet nests” and stirring shit up. It always ends the same too, getting stung and not able to see and appreciate what’s right in front of them.

It just makes me wonder, is someone that bored that they must make other people miserable or start drama? I honestly think I feel sad for them sometimes.


Image Source: Canva

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