Luckily Waking Up Naturally

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about something I reflected on the other day.. being able to wake up naturally!


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Luckily Waking Up Naturally

It's funny, the other day I was talking to Galen about how I don't post in the Reflections community unless I've got something to reflect about. That was a few days ago and I didn't have anything to reflect about.. until I woke up this morning and realized how lucky I am to be able to do something so simple.. waking up naturally without an alarm.

There are some things in the modern life that we live that are pretty difficult to deal with sometimes, one of those things likely being needing an alarm to get woken up by every morning. I was one of those people for a really long time but I am lucky that in the last few years, I haven't had to use an alarm to wake up because I am working from home and don't need to add in 90+ minutes to my day to wake up early and commute into work like I used to. This is such a benefit!


Granted I'm not one that sleeps in until 10am because I was up crazy late in the evening. No, I think those days are long gone for me lol. I am usually awake by about 7am every day but the real beauty is that I am able to sleep and wake up with my body cycles instead of getting interrupted by an alarm and having to wipe the sleep out of my eyes.

I don't know if I will have this work arrangement forever, as good as it is, I don't think myself delusional in that I will be able to have this type of job or work environment forever. I will however enjoy it as long as I can, because it is truly an added benefit to be able to do that.

There is a lot of talk and science about circadian rhythms and how important those are for us as humans. We go to bed at specific, regular times and we are able to wake up at a similar interval of time and get a decent amount of sleep. There is certainly the times where this doesn't work out as smoothly but for the most part, if we can establish a consistent rhythm our bodies will thank us later according to some who study that type of stuff.


I think one of the joys for me with this schedule though is being able to actually see my wife and son when I get up. In years past, I would wake up hours before they did and get out the door before they were awake, and be at work for 30 minutes or so before their normal wake up time. I had to do this because of the traffic in the area where I live, it's pretty brutal and how far we commute would be considered a sin in other parts of the country and world haha. That's how things go sometimes though, you do what you can while you can with hopes of something better in the future.

I don't know why I ended up getting sentimental and reflecting on how special it was but this morning when I woke up, my son crawled in my bed the way he normally does and snuggled up against me for a little while and we chatted for a bit about his dreams that he had the night before and some other random topics that pop in kids minds. These things aren't rare because he does it most mornings but for some reason, I had a moment to consider while I was listening to him that the ability I have to wake up naturally and be there in the first moments of the day with my son at such a crucial and pivotal age, that's worth so much more than could be quantified.

These are memories that are going to stick with me for the rest of my life, and hopefully be important and warm moments for my son to reflect back on when he is older for how nice it was being able to do that.

I didn't get to do these things as a kid for various reasons, but one of the most important ones is that my dad would wake up at 4am to leave the house by 445 to get to work for 6 which is when he started. That of course meant that unless I slept on the couch, I was rarely able to have a nice morning conversation with my dad until I was a lot older and I started to work with him. Those days are equally special to me but I would have liked to spend some time with my dad doing this type of stuff. We can't change the past though but we can certainly live in the present and try to do the best that we can for the people around us. Being able to wake up with my son every morning and have these moments enables me to do exactly that!


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