What's in the box?


Never have four words been so poignant or brought forth so much emotion. If you have seen the movie Seven, you probably know what I am talking about. That last scene in the movie is so excruciating and raw. It seriously haunts me every time I revisit it.

@mrsbozz and I have our own box at home now. We picked up our dog Jovi's ashes on Monday and I have to admit, although she is gone, having at least a piece of her close to us helps a little bit. As I head to bed each night I touch the box to let her know I am still thinking of her.

I have zero doubt there will come a time when someone asks "what's in the box" and we have to explain to them. Hopefully by then the pain will be mostly gone.

Actually, we have talked about it and we would like to get a nicer box, we just found one yet. Something black I think since Jovi was black, and something that we can maybe put a photo on top and one of her tags maybe. @mrsbozz found one online that had a nice saying on it, but I teared up just reading it, so I think I am going to nix that one.


After we picked up her ashes, we stopped by my wife's parents house since they used to watch Jovi quite often when we were out of town. She loved to sit outside under the big tree in their backyard and chase the squirrels. Back when she was much younger she actually caught one so we are told. It was a pretty gruesome scene from what I hear.

We decided to spread some of her ashes under the tree where she used to love to spend her time. It's funny because at home she would never want to leave our side, but here, they couldn't get her to come inside.

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It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the community.

Now that the sentimental stuff is out of the way, we shouldn't forget that it is Friday, so it's only right that I bring you a bit of financial news from the week.

Kinross Gold

Some time ago when I was a new member of the silver and gold stacking community here on Hive, I reached out to them and asked what a good precious metal stock was to throw some pocket change at. Someone mentioned Kinross Gold, so I picked up five shares at the time for a cost of $5.34 per share.

I don't really pay too much attention to my Robinhood account. Most of my traditional investments are "set and forget". I spend more of my time actively following the crypto markets. Kinross Gold is currently trading at about $6.58 per share which is a nice gain from my original investment.

It's most likely following along with the overall increase in the price of gold. I don't expect Kinross to make me rich, but it's nice to see a bit of green here and there. I guess Spring really has arrived.

CHEX (Again)

I feel like every week I have been bugging you about the CHEX token. I just can't apologize for it though. It's becoming pretty clear that one of the acronyms for this bull market is probably going to be RWA (Real World Assets) like NFT and DEFI of the past bull markets.

While other groups are just now making the pivot to focus on RWAs, Chintai has been working towards this creating strategic partnerships for quite some time now. Just a few short weeks ago the token price was sitting at $.07. I watched it jump up to $.14 and then the mid $.20 range.

Yesterday I watched again as it jumped all the way to a new all time high of $.43. It has fallen back down now, but I am in a Telegram group where many of the people there have also invested in CHEX. I was talking to a guy yesterday and his bags are much bigger than mine because he mentioned that every time the token price goes up by a penny he earns $10,000. That's just nuts to me.

People who believe in tokens are always hoping for the moon, so all of this should be taken with a grain of salt, but conservative expectations for the CHEX token price see it somewhere around $10 per token.

$.37 isn't looking so bad now is it? If you still have some old EOS around that you gave up on, you might want to think about moving it into CHEX. Do you own research of course!

That's all I've got for today. The halving is just about a week away. We could see some crazy action in the markets this week. Then again, we might see nothing. It is crypto after all!

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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