RE: Speed and its impact

Also got my driving license in 1986 but have been 18 ... 😉 So ... Hi you young man 😘

I think no matter how technique and security develops, some people will always go to the limit and risk their life?
You know Austria 30 / 50 inner cities, 100 overland and 130 kph the highways.
In the past normaly you could Drive roundabout 10-20 kph more without big troubles. But this changed a lot.

For example "Section control" haha reminds me of a friend! They first made section control area between Graz and Vienna. And in the middle of the two measure points there was a resting station 😂 so the friend decided to drive faster and just took a coffee break in the middle. And so the "whole time" was ok for the section.

Now there are much more cameras everywhere to control every step you (drive) make

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