Disconnected and AI relationships

We live in a society that seems to worship digital devices like smart phones, computers and video games, so much so that it's not uncommon to see people out in public with their heads buried in a device no matter if they're walking, sitting alone or with others; the device seems infinitely more important to them than the world, or people, that exist around them. All they need to do to become more engaged is to look up, but generally they don't.

I have a smart phone and share a laptop computer with my partner, but I'm beholden to neither of them. They are merely tools, inanimate objects that help me do other things. I do what it is that's required, close the device and move away and into my real life and the real world.


I took this image

A little while ago I sat in the garden you see pictured here with my lovely man and we spoke about various things: Gardening and flowers, the various things we have happening at the moment and the future. I recall also talking about his hair because it resembled Boris Johnson's that day, the ex-prime minister of the UK. Okay, it wasn't that bad, but it looked funny...he wore it well though and I was only teasing him.

About a half hour after we sat down, a couple walked into the garden and sat on a bench on the other side of the broad grassed area. They were younger than us, holding hands as they walked, and sat close to one another on the bench...for about three minutes. That's how long they lasted before they both pulled out their phones and for the next forty or so minutes never said word to each other; they even sat farther apart so their elbows didn't bump while operating their phones.

I'd initially remarked that I loved love to my man, and that it was nice to see a young couple spending time together in nature, and he agreed; but after they pulled their phones out it all seemed rather impersonal and disconnected.

I don't think people have to be riveted to one another all the time, it's unrealistic, however I believe people should be engaged with one another, connected. I understand that we didn't know the full story of that couple above and I use them only as an example, however it's something we see repeated across society...people more concerned with the screen on their device than each other or the world around them. It's a sad indictment of modern society that people seem to have lost the need or ability to simply be together, engaged and interested with each other.

I wonder how many people on the verge of their ultimate demise lay on their death-bead and say, if only I'd spent more time alone in front of my computer or smart phone. I think not many, if any at all. So why then do people waste time and opportunity, life itself, not engaging with their loved ones and the world around them? I'm not sure if it has something to do with people feeling that their lives stretch out a long way ahead of the present or if it's just denial of the fact they will ultimately meet their end; either way, I see it is wasteful and for what gain? None really.

Maybe AI relationships are more important to people these days than real, tangible, emotional human ones...Maybe many people really have lost the ability or desire to engage in human ways with each other...I know not. I haven't though; the touch or look from my man reaches my soul and makes it sing and that's what I want in my life.

Becca 💗

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