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STEEM, the dying blockchain?

It's been a while since I took a look at the "State of the DApps" website. Hive is doing it fantastically with 3 DApps placed in the top 10, Splinterlands continues to hold first place and new DApps are developed continuously month after month

Just the opposite of what is happening with STEEM.

The first DApp is APPICS , which I still use from time to time and on which I still don't understand why the keep working on STEEM. It is holding the 290th position in the rank
STEEMIT is far below, at the 546th place...

This week I discovered as well that STEEMIT INC started the powerdown of its whole stake:

4 weeks and everything will be finished for them and Justin-Tron-scammer...

What will happen next?

Would be Sockpuppets witnesses finally disconnected? and if so, would the STEEM blockchain survive?

I am really curious about...I wonder if the remaining developers that still are there, as @steemchiller or @hightouch , are preparing the next steps of another new-steem

The end of the story is still being written.
