Cryptocurrency Bear Run Wave or a Corrective Drop

We all wake up to the internet and log onto Coinmarketcap to check the market price.
Fear and anticipation increased among traders and investors in digital currencies in the recent period after the decline that occurred the day before yesterday and continued yesterday as well.
Is this price suitable for buying or waiting for an upcoming drop and every analyst is holding a paper and a pen and opening the chart in an attempt to find out the next market direction
Bitcoin dropped from $ 12,200, down to 11,800, and then fell yesterday to 11,500.
Amid fears of continuing the decline again today and tomorrow.
So everyone started wondering if this was the Bear Run Wave
Or a corrective drop
The Miners feared that the price would drop again to low levels and would make a small profit again.


The fall of Bitcoin was not alone, as we are used to, the decline of Bitcoin was accompanied by the decline of the rest of the digital currencies on Coinmarketcap.
Where most Altcoins decreased, reaching a decline of about 10%, for example:
Ethereum fell about 7%, to $ 390.
The decline of Ripple was not noticeable, dropping about 2%, at a rate of about 2 cents.
Currencies such as Ziliqa and Tron also fell around 7%.


Defi Coins

Likewise, most Defi coins have fallen dramatically, down from 10 to 20%.
Like YAM, Curve DAO Token, and Just
On the contrary, other currencies rose at a very large rate at that difficult time, such as the xDai coin, which violated all the rules and rose more than 70%, bringing its price to $ 13.
The IDEX currency is also up 40%, while the currency has stabilized at 13800 now, after a drop of 12 thousand dollars.

Hive coin

What is important to us is the Hive coin. After the coin was listed on the Bithumb platform, the coin rose to 34 cents and then quickly returned to settle at 28 cents.
However, with the recent downturn, the currency fell by 4% to 24 cents.
As it is now a strong buying point for investors, the Bull Run wave is expected by the end of the year.


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