LEO &HODL Contest : Focus Leo Contest

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About LEO And HODL Contest

Kind regards to each and everyone Hivian's and Lion's .

There has been so much going on within LeoVerse that has in record enhances the integral LeoVerse- ecosystem . In terms of an improvement of UI and the mode of long form post publishing and lots more .

On the side of all of the variance participant's, indeed if a kind of survey on such aspect get put up.

Then the collected Team of LEO and HODL would get known that , most these contests have been touched and shaped up some people in ways possible to total life change.

That along kind of guaranteed personal lifestyles leading , due to the verse lessons and subsequent rewards.

Which can get traced from the outright missions of the blockchain technology and newly adopted and - developing Web3 related platform and overview. To get landed is being very visible that the platform has been set up to enhances and have real terms value getting added to life.

Basically to such an extent of getting gain a better of an applicable financial freedom. Capable of enhancing choice lifestyles.

Ways in which contest has been get organizing , personally I would get landed that indeed it have been on the visionary path.


The Benefits Of Existing LEO Contests To LeoVerse

Personally since am not an absolute old 🦁 lion within the LeoVerse , and in terms of number of contents exposes to and as well as participated am quite limited. And only part in one of the trending contest in the LeoVerse.

Upon such level of participation in which I did , indeed am going to outlines my intended benefits base on what I actually belief.

The following could be an extensive benefits upon all existing contests in LeoVerse.

  • Triggering State of curiosity and learning

  • Realizing personal skill in research

  • Promoting interaction and interpersonal and social relationship

  • Making it possible for Lion's to understand the importance of resource credit

Triggering State Of Curiosity And Learning

On more serious note as kind of newly invitee who has been got signed up to get participated on one of those an existing contests within LeoVerse.

Truth is non could get bits inch with no personal state of curiosity and interpersonal relation , which can get sum as socializing and or socialisation.

Checking microblogging Leo thread and that of threadstorm are never written plained stuff to get through with no getting put through . That by any other person's who has been already getting used to the threading stuffs.

Realizing Personal Skill In Research

Though most of those contests set on could just get required a lion sense of personal reasoning and creativity . Which are not necessarily getting involved something like research.

While some of the contests can't get go with with no intense and possibly bits time taken research.

Basically when get involve kind of term in which such a given person's is not yet get used to or have such first hand knowledge on the given term to base , write up upon.

Promoting Interaction And Interpersonal And Social Relationship

Is being very visible how the concepts of Web3 microblogging been configured to be relate more as those called web2 . In likes of Twitter and Facebook mainly , seen those given web2 social media are basically relationship builder's .

Getting bring in same vibes and culture in another dimensions , is what actually stand Leofinance out as part of social media in Leo microblogging . Through texts , links and photos threading.

By threading on Leo platform there you can possibly get meet other's Lion's and build relationship , socialising and make friends.

In which passaging of knowledge is well assured.

Making It Possible For Lion's To Understand Importance Of Resource Credit

Resource Credit through kind of an intensifying demanding contests then you would know the importance of resource credit.

Note that with no enough resource credit you can't initiate your write up . And all the an applicable fun might indeed get far from your state of reached.

How Leofinance Should Have Contests

Seriously they way Leofinance had Zealy related contest organized was totally full of fun and lots of activities , in adventure.

Perhaps if this kind of contest , which is for me more like a review do get count . And as such do take into consideration , I would that any other given intending to be organize contest should be in line and parttern to the Zealy Quest and an Adoption Campaign.

About The New Crypto Academy Focus By Leofinance Team

Since am yet to get used to most active activities in relation to contests and other useful quest here on the Leofinance mainly .

Here I would have it that in record time I will get to know more about the said Crypto Academy Focus By Leofinance Team.

That , as well as amount available contests from the HODL Community.

The Best Contest Ever On The Leofinance Ecosystem

Talking about the best contest on the Leofinance platform and ecosystem are no any other contest , for me than Zealy relate contest .

The 40 days ranging Zealy Quest that was aligned along an Adoption Campaign.

Special Invites :


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