RE: HODL 1st Contest ! More than 40 USD in prizes 🎁

"Can you write an article about Bitcoin"?

I am a content writer and write most to affiliates. In the cryptoworld you can earn A LOT in affiliate so when people began to read a lot in newspaper about Bitcoin - affiliates see money! They order content. I was september 2017 and I started to read and write.

About 14 days later I met a friend and he told me he was working as a teacher and held some cryptoeducation. I joined because I love investments but also because I was working in writing articles about crypto.

I was buying, selling, trading, sending and gambling with crypto. Testing, using, trying and learning. That is my way to learn - so I can write about it.

I also had xxx USD to invest and was blogging about it at an affiliatesite (not mine). At one point I was up 350 % and of course that made me more intresting.

You know what happen 2018. No more articles was ordered and the value of my investment was fast going down...

Today I write some to costumers and also some at my swedish blog about crypto. Not so much as in 2017 but if I get a job - I LOVE IT. Because I learn so much writing about it.

So Here I am Today with some different coins in my portfolio - Electronium, Dash, Btc, Steem, Hive, Enjin, Eth, Doggicoin, Goatcoin (YES I HAVE IT) and some other.
Lets see which of them go to the moon first....

@chekholer - Here is my story. @chekohler Should it be....

EDIT - Have to tell you that I use it too.
Paypal is not anymore usefull for everyone in Venezuela. To make a banktransfer is not a choice. So how to pay a friend for a work - By BTC :-)

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